Dictionary: PAN'TRY – PA'PER-MILL

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PAN'TRY, n. [Fr. panetière, a shepherd's scrip; L. panarium, from panis, bread.]

An apartment or closet in which provisions are kept.

PAN'UR-GY, n. [Gr. πανουργια; παν, all, and εργον, work.]

Skill in all kinds of work or business; craft. – Bailey.

PAP, n.1 [L. papilla.]

A nipple of the breast; a teat. – Dryden.

PAP, n.2 [Low L. papa; It. papas; D. pap; Pers. bob, food.]

  1. A soft food for infants, made with bread boiled or softened with water. – Boyle.
  2. The pulp of fruit. – Ainsworth.

PAP, v.t.

To feed with pap.

PA-PA', n. [L. and Fr. papa; D. and G. id.; Gr. παππας; It. and Sp. papa, the pope; a word used by the ancient Scythians, as also in the Syriac and Chaldaic.]

Father; a word with us used by children. – Swift.

PA'PA-CY, n. [Fr. papauté; It. papato; from papa, the pope.]

  1. The office and dignity of the pope or bishop of Rome; popedom. – Bacon.
  2. Papal authority.

PA'PAL, a. [Fr. from pape, the pope.]

  1. Belonging to the pope or pontif of Rome; popish; as, papal authority; the papal chair.
  2. Proceeding from the pope; as, a papal license or indulgence; a papal edict.
  3. Annexed to the bishopric of Rome.


A papist. [Not used.] Herbert.


One who favors papal power or doctrines. – Baxter.

PA'PAL-IZE, v.i.

To conform to popery. – Cowper.

PA'PAL-IZE, v.t.

To make papal.

PA'PAL-LY, adv.

In a papal manner; popishly.

PA-PAV'ER-OUS, a. [L. papavereus, from papaver, a poppy.]

Resembling the poppy; of the nature or qualities of poppies. – Brown.

PA-PAW', n. [Fr. papayer.]

  1. The Carica papaya, a tree growing in warm climates to the highth of eighteen or twenty feet, with a soft herbaceous stem, naked nearly to the top, where the leaves issue on every side on long foot-stalks. Between the leaves grow the flower and the fruit, which is of the size of a melon. The juice is acrid and milky, but the fruit when boiled is eaten with meat, like other vegetables. – Encyc.
  2. The papaw of North America belongs to the genus Annona or custard apple.

PAPE, n.

The pope.

PA'PER, a.

  1. Made of paper; consisting of paper.
  2. Thin; slight; as, a paper wall. – Burnet.

PA'PER, n. [Fr. papier; It. papiro; Port. and Sp. papel; D. and G. papier; W. papyr; Gr. παπυρος; L. papyrus, the name of an Egyptian plant, from which was made a kind of paper. This word is said to be formed from παω, to feed, and πυρ, fire, from the use of the plant as fuel. Elmes. Qu.]

  1. A substance formed into thin sheets on which letters and figures are written or printed. Paper is made of different materials; but among us it is usually made of linen or cotton rags. A fine paper is made of silk, particularly for bank-notes, which require to be very thin.
  2. A piece of paper. – Locke.
  3. A single sheet printed or written; as, a daily paper; a weekly paper; a periodical paper; referring to essays, journals, newspapers, &c.
  4. Any written instrument, whether note, receipt, bill, invoice, bond, memorial, deed, and the like. The papers lie on the Speaker's table. They brought a paper to me to be signed. – Dryden.
  5. A promissory note or notes or a bill of exchange; as, negotiable paper. – Kent.
  6. Hangings printed or stamped; paper for covering the walls of rooms.

PA'PER, v.t.

  1. To cover with paper; to furnish with paper hangings; as, to paper a room or a house.
  2. To register. [Not used.] – Shak.
  3. To fold or inclose in paper.


  1. Evidences of debt; promissory notes, &c. passing current in commercial transactions.
  2. Notes or bills emitted by public authority, promising the payment of money. The revolution in North America was carried on by means of paper-credit.

PA'PER-ED, pp.

Covered with paper.


Having a face as white as paper. – Shak.


A light frame covered with paper for flying in the air like a kite. – Warton.


One that manufactures paper.


A mill in which paper is manufactured.