Dictionary: ED'U-CATE – E'EN

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ED'U-CATE, v.t. [L. educo, educare; e and duco, to lead; It. educare; Sp. educar.]

To bring up, as a child; to instruct; to inform and enlighten the understanding; to instill into the mind principles of arts, science, morals, religion and behavior. To educate children well is one of the most important duties of parents and guardians.

ED'U-CA-TED, pp.

Brought up; instructed; furnished with knowledge or principles; trained; disciplined.

ED'U-CA-TING, ppr.

Instructing; enlightening the understanding, and forming the manners.

ED-U-CA'TION, n. [L. educatio.]

The bringing up, as of a child; instruction; formation of manners. Education comprehends all that series of instruction and discipline which is intended to enlighten the understanding, correct the temper, and form the manners and habits of youth, and fit them for usefulness in their future stations. To give children a good education in manners, arts and science, is important; to give them a religions education is indispensable; and an immense responsibility rests on parents and guardians who neglect these duties.


Pertaining to education; derived from education; as, educational habits. Smith.


One who educates. Beddoes.

E-DUCE, v.t. [L. educo, eduxi; e and duco, to lead.]

To bring or draw out; to extract; to produce from a state of occultation. Th' eternal art educing good from ill. Pope.

E-DUC-ED, pp.

Drawn forth; extracted; produced.

E-DUC-ING, ppr.

Drawing forth; producing.

E'DUCT, n. [L. eductum, from educo.]

Extracted matter; that which is educed; that which is brought to light, by separation, analysis or decomposition. We must consider the educts of its analysis by Bergman, &c. Kirwan.


The act of drawing out or bringing into view.


That which brings forth, elicits or extracts. Stimulus must be called an eductor of vital ether. Darwin.

E-DUL'CO-RATE, v.t. [Low L. edulco, from dulcis, sweet; Fr. edulcorer.]

  1. To purify; to sweeten. In chimistry, to render substances more mild, by freeing them from acids and salts or other soluble impurities, by washing. Encyc.
  2. To sweeten by adding sugar, sirup, &c. Encyc.


Sweetened; purified from acid or saline substances, and rendered more mild.


Sweetening; rendering more mild.


  1. The act of sweetening or rendering more mild, by freeing from acid or saline substances, or from any soluble impurities.
  2. The act of sweetening by admixture of some saccharine substance.


Having the quality of sweetening.

ED'WARDS-ITE, n. [from Gov. H. W. Edwards.]

A newly discovered mineral of a hyacinth-red color, crystalizing in obtuse oblique rhombic prisms. It is found in Connecticut, associated with Sillimanite. Shepard.

EEK, v. [See EKE.]

EEL, n. [Sax. æl; G. aal; D. aal; Dan. id.; Sw. ål; Gypsy, alo; Turk. ilan. The word, in Saxon, is written precisely like awl.]

A species of Muræna, a genus of fishes belonging to the order of Apodes. The head is smooth; there are ten rays in the membrane of the gills; the eyes are covered with a common skin; the body is cylindrical and slimy. Eels, in some respects, resemble reptiles, particularly in their manner of moving by a serpentine winding of the body; and they often creep upon land and wander about at night in search of snails or other food. In winter, they lie buried in mud, being very impatient of cold. They grow to the weight of 15 or 20 pounds and the conger eel is said to grow to a hundred pounds in weight, and to 10 feet in length. They are esteemed good food. Encyc.


The act or art of catching eels.


A kind of basket used for catching eels.


The skin of an eel.


A forked instrument used for stabbing eels.

E'EN, adv. [contracted from even, – which see.]

I have e'en done with you. L'Estrange.