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One who studies the daily motions and positions of the planets; an astrologer. Howell.


The being of a day.

E-PHEM'ER-ON-WORM, n. [See Ephemera.]

A worm that lives one day only. Derham.

E-PHE'SIAN, a. [s as z.]

Pertaining to Ephesus, in Asia Minor. As a noun, a native of Ephesus.

EPH-I-AL'TES, n. [Gr.]

The night-mar.

EPH'OD, n. [Heb. אפוד, from אפד, to bind.]

In Jewish antiquity, a part of the sacerdotal habit, being a kind of girdle, which was brought from behind the neck over the two shoulders, and hanging down before, was put across the stomach, then carried round the waist and used as a girdle to the tunic. There were two sorts; one of plain linen, the other embroidered for the high priest. On the part in front were two precious stones, on which were engraven the names of the twelve tribes of Israel. Before the breast was a square piece or breastplate. Encyc. Calmet.

EPH'OR, n. [Gr. εφορος, from εφοραω, to inspect.]

In ancient Sparta, a magistrate chosen by the people. The ephors were five, and they were intended as a check on the regal power, or according to some writers, on the senate. Encyc. Mitford.


The office or term of office of an ephor. Mitford.

EP'IC, a. [L. epicus, Gr. επικος, from επος, a song, or επω, ειπω, to speak.]

Narrative; containing narration; rehearsing. An epic poem, otherwise called heroic is a poem which narrates a story, real or fictitious, or both, representing, in an elevated style, some signal action or series of actions and events, usually the achievements of some distinguished hero, and intended to form the morals and affect the mind with the love of virtue. The matter of the poem includes the action of the fable, the incidents, episodes, characters, morals and machinery. The form includes the manner of narration, the discourses introduced, descriptions, sentiments, style, versification, figures and other ornaments. The end is to improve the morals, and inspire a love of virtue, bravery and illustrious actions. Encyc.

EP'I-CARP, n. [Gr. επι and καρπος.]

In botany, the outer coating of the pericarp. Lindley.

EP'I-CEDE, n. [Gr. επικηδιος.]

A funeral song or discourse.


Epicedian; elegiac.


Elegiac; mournful.


An elegy.

EP'I-CENE, a. [Gr. επικοινος; επι and κοινος, common.]

Common to both sexes; of both kinds.

EP-I-CE-RAS'TIC, a. [From the Greek.]

Lenient; assuaging.


Pertaining to Epictetus, the Grecian writer. Arbuthnot.

EP'I-CURE, n. [L. epicurus, a voluptuary, from Epicurus.]

Properly, a follower of Epicurus; a man devoted to sensual enjoyments; hence, one who indulges in the luxuries of the table. [The word is now used only or chiefly in the latter sense.]

EP-I-CU'RE-AN, or EP-I-CU-RE'AN, a. [L. epicureus.]

  1. Pertaining to Epicurus; as, the Epicurean philosophy or tenets. Reid.
  2. Luxurious; given to luxury; contributing to the luxuries of the table.


A follower of Epicurus. Encyc. Shaftesbury.


Attachment to the doctrines of Epicurus. Harris.


  1. Luxury; sensual enjoyments; indulgence in gross pleasure; voluptuousness. Shak.
  2. The doctrines of Epicurus. Warton. Bailey.

EP'I-CU-RIZE, v.i.

  1. To feed or indulge like an epicure; to riot; to feast. Fuller.
  2. To profess the doctrines of Epicurus. Cudworth.

EP'I-CY-CLE, n. [Gr. επι and κυκλος, a circle.]

A little circle, whose center is in the circumference of a greater circle; or a small orb, which, being fixed in the deferent of a planet, is carried along with it, and yet by its own peculiar motion, carries the body of the planet fastened to it round its proper center. Harris.

EP-I-CY'CLOID, n. [Gr. επικυκλοειδης; επι, κυκλος, and ειδος, form.]

In geometry, a curve generated by the revolution of the periphery of a circle along the convex or concave side of the periphery of another circle. Encyc. Harris. A curve generated by any point in the plane of a movable circle which rolls on the inside or outside of the circumference of a fixed circle. Ed. Encyc.