Dictionary: E-MULG'ENT – EN-AM'EL

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E-MULG'ENT, a. [L. emulgeo; e and mulgeo, to milk out.]

Milking or draining out. In anatomy, the eminent or renal arteries are those which supply the kidneys with blood, being sometimes single, sometimes double. The emulgent veins return the blood, after the urine is secreted. This the ancients considered as a milking or straining of the serum, whence the name. Encyc. Harris. Quincy. Parr.


An emulgent vessel.

EM'U-LOUS, a. [L. æmulus.]

  1. Desirous or eager to imitate, equal, or excel another; desirous of like excellence with another; with of; as, emulous of another's example or virtues.
  2. Rivaling; engaged in competition; as, emulous Carthage. B. Jonson.
  3. Factious; contentious. Shak.

EM'U-LOUS-LY, adv.

With desire of equaling or excelling another. Granville.

E-MUL'SION, n. [Fr. from L. emulsus, emulgeo, to milk out.]

A soft liquid remedy of a color and consistence resembling milk; any milk-like mixture prepared by uniting oil and water, by means of another substance, saccharine or mucilaginous. Encyc. Ure.


  1. Softening; milk-like.
  2. Producing or yielding a milk-like substance; as, emulsive acids. Fourcroy.

E-MUNC'TO-RY, n. [L. emunctorium, from emunctus, emungo, to wipe, to cleanse.]

In anatomy, any part of the body which serves to carry off excrementitious matter; an excretory duct. Encyc. Coxe. The kidneys and skin are called the common emunctories. Cyc.

EM-US-CA'TION, n. [L. emuscor.]

A freeing from moss. [Not much used.] Evelyn.

EN, n.

a prefix to many English words, chiefly borrowed from the French. It coincides with the Latin in, Gr. εν, and some English words are written indifferently with en or in. For the case of pronunciation, it is changed to em, particularly before labial, as in employ, empower. En was formerly a plural termination of nouns and of verbs, as in housen, escapen. It is retained in oxen and children. It is also still used as the termination of some verbs, as in heark-en, from the Saxon infinitive.

EN-A'BLE, v.t. [Norm. enhabler. See Able.]

  1. To make able; to supply with power, physical or moral; to furnish with sufficient power or ability. By strength a man is enabled to work. Learning and industry enable men to investigate the laws of nature. Fortitude enables us to bear pain without murmuring.
  2. To supply with means. Wealth enables men to be charitable, or to live in luxury.
  3. To furnish with legal ability or competency; to authorize. The law enables us to dispose of our property by will.
  4. To furnish with competent knowledge or skill, and in general, with adequate means.

EN-A'BLED, pp.

Supplied with sufficient power, physical, moral, or legal.


The act of enabling; ability. Bacon.

EN-A'BLING, ppr.

Giving power to; supplying with sufficient power, ability, or means authorizing.

EN-ACT', v.t. [en and act.]

  1. To make, as a law; to pass, as a bill into a law; to perform a last act of a legisiature to a bill, giving it validity as a law; to give legislative sanction to a bill. Shall this bill pass to be enacted? T. Bigelow.
  2. To decree; to establish as the will of the supreme power.
  3. To act; to perform; to effect. Spenser.
  4. To represent in action. Shak.

EN-ACT'ED, pp.

Passed into a law; sanctioned as a law, by legislative authority.

EN-ACT'ING, ppr.

  1. Passing into a law; giving legislative sanction to a bill, and establishing it as a law.
  2. adj. Giving legislative forms and sanction; as, the enacting clause of a bill.


Having power to enact, or establish as a law. Bramhall.


The passing of a bill into a law; the act of voting, decreeing, and giving validity to a law. Christ. Observer. Walsh.


  1. One who enacts or passes a law; one who decrees or establishes as a law. Atterbury.
  2. One who performs any thing. [Not used.] Shak.


Purpose. [Not in use.] Shak.

E-NAL'LA-GE, n. [enal'lajy; Gr. εναλλαγη, change; εναλλαττω, to change; εν and αλλαττω.]

A figure in grammar, by which some change is made in the common mode of speech, or when one word is substituted for another; as, exercitus victor, for victoriosus; scelus, for scelestus. Encyc.

EN-AM'BUSH, v.t. [en and ambush.]

  1. To hide in ambush.
  2. To ambush. Chapman.


Concealed in ambush, or with hostile intention; ambushed.


Concealing in ambush.

EN-AM'EL, n. [en and Fr. email, Sp. esmalte, It. smalto, G. schmelz, from the root of melt.]

  1. In mineralogy, a substance imperfectly vitrificd, or matter in which the granular appearance is destroyed, and having a vitreous gloss. In the arts, a substance of the nature of glass differing from it by a greater degree of fusibility or opacity. Ed. Encyc. Enamels have for their basis a pure crystal glass or frit, ground with a fine oxyd of lead and tin. These baked together are the matter of enamels, and the color is varied by adding other substances. Oxyd of gold gives a red color; that of copper, a green; manganese, a violet; cobalt, a blue; and iron, a fine black. Encyc. Nicholson.
  2. That which is enameled; a smooth, glossy surface of various colors, resembling enamel.
  3. In anatomy, the smooth hard substance which covers the crown of a tooth. Cyc.