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  1. With emphasis; strongly; forcibly; in a striking manner.
  2. According to appearance. [Not used.] Brown.

EM-PHY-SE'MA, or EM'PHY-SEM, n. [Gr. εμφυσημα, from εμφυσαω, to inflate.]

In medicine, elastic and sonorous distension of the body or its members, from air accumulated in natural cavities. Good.


Pertaining to emphysema; swelled, bloated, but yielding easily to pressure.

EM-PHY-TEU'TIC, a. [Gr. εμ, εν, and φυτευσις, a planting, φυτευω, to plant.]

Taken on hire; that for which rent is to be paid; as, emphyteutic lands. Blackstone.

EM-PIERCE', v.t. [em, in, and pierce.]

To pierce into; to penetrate. [Not used.] Spenser.

EM-PIGHT, a. [from pight, to fix.]

Fixed. [Obs.] Spenser.

EM'PIRE, n. [Fr. from L. imperium; Sp. and It. imperio. See Emperor.]

  1. Supreme power in governing; supreme dominion; sovereignty; imperial power. No nation can rightfully claim the empire of the ocean.
  2. The territory, region or countries under the jurisdiction and dominion of an emperor. An empire is usually a territory of greater extent than a kingdom, which may be and often is a territory of small extent. Thus we say, the Russian empire; the Austrian empire; the sovereigns of which are denominated emperors. The British dominions are called an empire, and since the union of Ireland, the parliament is denominated the imperial parliament, but the sovereign is called king. By custom in Europe, the empire means the German empire; and in juridical acts, it is called the holy Roman empire. Hence we say, the diet of the empire; the circles of the empire; &c. But the German empire no longer exists; the states of Germany now form a confederacy.
  3. Supreme control; governing influence; rule; sway; as, the empire of reason, or of truth.
  4. Any region, land or water, over which dominion is extended; as, the empire of the sea. Shak.


  1. Pertaining to experiments or experience.
  2. Versed in experiments; as, an empiric alchimist.
  3. Known only by experience; derived from experiment; used and applied without science; as, empiric skill; empiric remedies. Dryden. I have avoided that empirical morality that cures one vice by means of another. Rambler.

EM'PIR-IC, n. [Gr. εμπειρικος; εν and πειραω, to attempt; L. empiricus; Fr. empirique; Sp. and It. empirico. See Peril and Pirate.]

Literally, one who makes experiments. Hence its appropriate signification is, a physician who enters on practice without a regular professional education, and relies on the success of his own experience. Hence the word is used also for a quack, an ignorant pretender to medical skill, a charlatan. Encyc.


By experiment; according to experience; without science; in the manner of quacks. Brown.


  1. Dependence of a physician on his experience in practice, without the aid of a regular medical education.
  2. The practice of medicine without a medical education. Hence, quackery; the pretensions of an ignorant man to medical skill. Shudder to destroy life, either by the naked knife, or by the surer and safer medium of empiricism. Dwight.


Place; ground.

EM-PLAS'TER, n. [Gr. εμπλαστρον, a plaster. See Plaster, which is now used.]


To cover with a plaster. Mortimer.


Covered with plaster.


Covering with plaster.

EM-PLAS'TIC, a. [Gr. εμπλαστικος. See Plaster, Plastic.]

Viscous; glutinous; adhesive; fit to be applied as a plaster; as, emplastic applications. Arbuthnot.

EM-PLEAD', v.t. [em and plead.]

To charge with a crime; to accuse. But it is now written implead, – which see.

EM-PLEC'TION, n. [Gr. εμπληκτον.]

In ancient architecture, a method of constructing walls with wrought stones in front, and with rough stones in the interior. Elmes.

EM-PLOY', n.

  1. That which engages the mind, or occupies the time and labor of a person; business; object of study or industry; employment. Present to grasp, and future still to find, / The whole employ of body and of mind. Pope.
  2. Occupation, as art, mystery, trade, profession.
  3. Public office; agency; service for another.

EM-PLOY', v.t. [Fr. employer; Arm. impligea or impligein; Sp. emplear; Port. empregar; It. impiegare; em or en and ployer, plier; W. plygu; L. plico; Gr. πλεκω; D. pleegen. See Apply, Display, Deploy.]

  1. To occupy the time, attention and labor of; to keep busy, or at work; to use. We employ our hands in labor; we employ our heads or faculties in study or thought; the attention is employed, when the mind is fixed or occupied upon an object; we employ time, when we devote it to an object. A portion of time should be daily employed in reading the Scriptures, meditation and prayer; a great portion of life is employed to little profit or to very bad purposes.
  2. To use as an instrument or means. We employ pens in writing, and arithmetic in keeping accounts. We employ medicines in curing diseases.
  3. To use as materials in forming any thing. We employ timber, stones or bricks, in building; we employ wool, linen and cotton, in making cloth.
  4. To engage in one's service; to use as an agent or substitute in transacting business; to commission and intrust with the management of one's affairs. The president employed an envoy to negotiate a treaty. Kings and States employ embassadors at foreign courts.
  5. To occupy; to use; to apply or devote to an object; to pass in business; as, to employ time; to employ an hour, a day or a week; to employ one's life. To employ one's self, is to apply or devote one's time and attention; to busy one's self.


That may be employed; capable of being used; fit or proper for use. Boyle.

EM-PLOY-E', n. [Fr.]

One who is employed.


Occupied; fixed or engaged; applied in business; used in agency.


One who employs; one who uses; one who engages or keeps in service.