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MON-O-STROPH'IC, a. [Gr. μονοστροφος, having one strophe.]

Having one strophe only; not varied in measure; written in unvaried measure. – Mason.

MON-O-SYL-LAB'IC, a. [See Monosyllable.]

  1. Consisting of one syllable; as, a monosyllabic word.
  2. Consisting of words of one syllable; as, a monosyllabic verse.

MON-O-SYL'LA-BLE, n. [Gr. μονος, only, and συλλαβη, syllable.]

A word of one syllable.


Formed into one syllable. – Cleaveland.

MONO-THE-ISM, n. [Gr. μονος, only, and Θεος, God.]

The doctrine or belief of the existence of one God only. Asiat. Res.


One who believes in one God only.


Pertaining to monotheism.

MO-NOTH'E-LITE, n. [Gr. μονος, one, and θελησις, will.]

One who holds that Christ had but one will. – Milner.


The opinion that Christ had but one will.

MO-NOT'OM-OUS, a. [Gr. μονος and τεμνω.]

In mineralogy, having its cleavage distinct only in a single direction. Shepard.

MON'O-TONE, n. [See Monotony.]

In rhetoric, a sameness of sound, or the utterance of successive syllables on one unvaried key, without inflection or cadence. Mason. E. Porter.


Monotonous. [Little used.]


Continued in the same tone without, inflection or cadence; unvaried in tone.


With one uniform tone; without inflection of voice. Nares.

MO-NOT'O-NY, n. [Gr. μονοτονια; μονος, sole, and τονος, sound.]

  1. Uniformity of tone or sound; want of inflections of voice in speaking or reading; want of cadence or modulation.
  2. Uniformity; sameness; want of variety. At sea, every thing that breaks the monotony of the surrounding expanse attracts attention. Irving.

MON-O-TREM'A-TOUS, a. [Gr. μονος and τρημα, perforation.]

Having only one external opening for urine and other excrements, as certain animals of the order Edentata.

MO-NOX'Y-LON, n. [Gr. μονος and ξυλον.]

A canoe or boat made from one piece of timber.

MON'SIEUR, n. [Fr.]

Sir; Mr. Pope.


A periodical wind, blowing six months from the same quarter or point of the compass, then changing and blowing the same time from the opposite quarter. The monsoons prevail in the East Indies, and are called also trade winds. But we usually give the denomination of trade winds to the which blow the whole year from the same point, as the winds within the tropics on the Atlantic.

MON'STER, a. [L. monstrum, from monstro, to show. So we say in English, a sight. See Muster.]

  1. An animal produced with a shape or with parts that are not natural, as when the body is ill formed or distorted, or the limbs too few or too many, or when any part is extravagantly out of proportion, either through defect or excess.
  2. Any unnatural production; something greatly deformed. Monsters are common in the vegetable kingdom. Encyc.
  3. A person so wicked as to appear horrible; one unnaturally wicked or mischievous. So a parricide is called a monster.

MON'STER, v.t.

To make monstrous. [Not used.] Shak.


Taming monsters. Hamilton.


  1. The state of being monstrous, or out of the common order of nature. We often read of monstrous births; but we see a greater monstrosity in education, when a father begets a son and trains him up into a beast. South.
  2. An unnatural production; that which is monstrous. Fabri arranges distortions, gibbosities, tumors, &c. in the class of morbific monstrosities. Encyc. A monstrosity never changes the name or affects the immutability of a species. Adanson.

MON'STROUS, a. [L. monstrosus.]

  1. Unnatural in form; deviating greatly from the natural form; out of the common course of nature; as, a monstrous birth or production.
  2. Strange; very wonderful; generally expressive of dislike. Shak.
  3. Enormous; huge; extraordinary; as, a monstrous highth; a monstrous tree or mountain. Pope.
  4. Shocking to the sight or other senses; hateful.


Exceedingly; very much; as, monstrous hard; monstrous thick. And wilt be monstrous witty on the poor. Dryden. [This use is colloquial and vulgar.]