a | b | c | d | e | f | g | h | i | j | k | l | m | n | o | p | q | r | s | t | u | v | w | x | y | z |


MES'MER-ISM, n. [From Mesmer, who first wrote on the subject.]

The art of communicating a species of sleep, which is supposed to affect the body, while the mind or intellectual power is active and intelligent.


One who practices or believes in mesmerism.


The act of mesmerizing.


To communicate a kind of sleep called sleep-waking, a state in which the external senses are closed, while the mind is awake.

MESNE, a. [meen; Old Fr.]

In law, middle; intervening; as, a mesne lord, that is, a lord who holds land of a superior, but grants part of it to another person. In this case, he is a tenant to the superior, but lord or superior to the second grantee, and called the mesne lord. Mesne process, that part of the proceedings in a suit which intervenes between the original process or writ and the final issue, and which issues, pending the suit, on some collateral matter; and sometimes it is understood to be the whole process preceding the execution. Blackstone. Mesne profits, the profits of an estate which accrue to a tenant in possession, after the demise of the lessor.

MES'O-CO-LON, n. [Gr. μεσος, middle, and colon.]

In anatomy, that part of the mesentery, which, having reached the extremity of the ileum, contracts and changes its name, or that part of the mesentery to which the colon is attached. Encyc. Hooper.

MES-O-LEU-CYS, n. [Gr. μεσος, middle, and λευκος, white.]

A precious stone with a streak of white in the middle. Dict.


A mineral of the zeolite family.

MES-O-LOG'A-RITHM, n. [Gr. μεσος, middle, and logarithm.]

A logarithm of the co-sines and co-tangents. Kepler. Harris. The former is called by Napier an antilogarithm, the latter a differential. Encyc.

MES-OM'E-LAS, n. [Gr. μεσος, middle, and μελας, black.]

A precious stone with a black vein parting every color in the midst.

MES'O-SPERM, n. [Gr. μεσος and σπερμα.]

In botany, a membrane of a seed synonymous with secundine, the second membrane from the surface. Lindley.

MES'O-TYPE, n. [Gr. μεσος, middle, and τυπος, form, type.]

Prismatic zeolite; a membrane divided into three subspecies, fibrous zeolite, natrolite, and mealy zeolite. This is said by some writers to be so named from its property, when transparent, of doubling images. Others say it is a mean form between stilbite and analcime. Dict. Jameson. Phillips.


Contempt; a French word. [Not in use.]

MESS, n. [In Fr. mets is a mess of meat, perhaps meat. In Goth. mes is a dish, Ir. meis. In Sax. mese is a table, Sp. mesa, L. mensa. But mets, mess, is probably a different word.]

  1. A dish or a quantity of food prepared or set on a table at one time; as, a mess of pottage; a mess of herbs; a mess of broth. Milton. Pope.
  2. A medley; a mixed mass; a quantity.
  3. As much provender or grain as is given to a beast at once.
  4. A number of persons who eat together; among seamen and soldiers.

MESS, v.i.

  1. To eat; to feed.
  2. To associate at the same table; to eat in company, as seamen.

MESS, v.t.

To supply with a mess.

MES'SAGE, n. [Fr. from L. missus, mitto, to send; Sp. mensage.]

  1. Any notice, word or communication, written or verbal, sent from one person to another. We send a servant with a verbal or written message. The welcome message made, was soon received. Dryden.
  2. An official written communication of facts or opinions sent by a chief magistrate to the two houses of a legislature or other deliberative body. Congress receives a message from the President of the United States at the opening of the session. The Governors of some of the states communicate to the legislature by message, others by address.
  3. An official verbal communication from one branch of a legislature to the other.

MES'SA-GER, or MES'SEN-GER, n. [Fr. messager; It. messaggiere; Sp. mensagero. The correct orthography is messager.]

  1. One who bears a message or an errand; the bearer of a verbal or written communication, notice or invitation from one person to another, or to a public body; one who conveys dispatches from one prince or court to another.
  2. A harbinger; a forerunner; he or that which foreshows. Yon gray lines / That fret the clouds, are messengers of day. Shak.

MESS'ED, pp.

Associated at the same table.

MES-SI'AH, n. [Heb. משיח, anointed.]

Christ, the anointed; the Savior of the world. I know that when Messiah cometh, who is called Christ, he will tell us all things. Jesus answered her, I that speak to thee am he. John iv.


The character, state or office of the Savior. Josephus--whose prejudices were against the Messiahship and religion of Jesus. Buckminster.

MES'SIEURS, n. [plur. of Monsieur, my lord.]

Sirs; gentlemen.


An associate in eating; one who eats ordinarily at the same table.

MESS'UAGE, n. [mes'swage; from old Fr. meson, mesonage, a house, or house-room; mesuenges, household. The French now write maison.]

In law, a dwelling-house and adjoining land, appropriated to the use of the household, including the adjacent buildings. Encyc.


A repetition at the end of a stanza.