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In a manageable manner. Chalmers.

MAN'AG-ED, pp.

Conducted; carried on; trained by discipline; governed; controlled; wielded.


That can not be managed.


  1. Conduct; administration; manner of treating, directing or carrying on; as, the management of a family or of a farm; the management of state affairs.
  2. Cunning practice; conduct directed by art, design or prudence; contrivance. Mark with what management their tribes divide. Dryden.
  3. Practice; transaction; dealing. He had great management with ecclesiastics, in the view to be advanced to the pontificate. Addison.
  4. Modulation; variation. All directions as to the management of the voice, must be regarded as subsidiary to the expression of feeling. Porter's Analysis.


  1. One who has the conduct or direction of any thing; as, the manager of a theater; the manager of lottery, of a ball, &c. A skillful manager of the rabble. South. An artful manager, that crept between. Pope.
  2. A person who conducts business with economy and frugality; a good husband. A prince of great aspiring thoughts; in the main, a manager of his treasure. Temple.

MAN'AGE-R-Y, n. [from manage.]

  1. Conduct; direction; administration. Clarendon.
  2. Husbandry; economy; frugality. Decay of Piety.
  3. Manner of using. Ibm. [Little used or obsolete in all its applications.]

MAN'A-GING, ppr.

Conducting; regulating; directing; governing; wielding.


The name of a beautiful race of birds found in warm climates. Dict. Nat. Hist.

MA-NA'TI, or MA-NA'TUS, n.

Names, like that of sea cow, applied to several different and distinct animals; some of them belonging to the seal tribe, and some of them to the whale tribe, as Trichecus Rosmarus, and Manatua Americanus and Senegalensis. The animals called by these names, that belong to the seal tribe, are carnivorous, and those that belong to the whale tribe, are herbivorous.


The sea cow, so called from their limbs, by which they creep or move. [L. manus.] These are pectoral fins having the rudiments of nails. This is the French Lamantin. [See Manati.]

MA-NA'TION, n. [L. manatio, from mano, to flow.]

The act of issuing or flowing out. [Little used.]

MANCHE, n. [Fr.]

A sleeve.


A small loaf of fine bread. [Not used.] Bacon.

MANCH-I-NEEL, n. [L. mancanilla.]

A small tree of the West Indies, the Hippomane Mancinella, whose juice, and sometimes even exhalations, are capable of producing upon some persons, an erythematic inflammation of the skin exactly similar to that produced by the climbing and swamp sumach of the United States, while upon other persons it is inoperative. Its inspissated juice is used in medicine as a substitute for the resin of Guaiacum or lignum-vitae. The wood is valuable for cabinet work. Encyc.

MAN'CI-PATE, v.t. [L. mancipo, from manceps, mancipium; manu capio, to take with the hand.]

To enslave; to bind; to restrict. [Little used.] Hale.


Slavery; involuntary servitude. [Little used.] Johnson.

MAN'CI-PLE, n. [L. manceps; manu capio, supra.]

A steward; an undertaker; a purveyor, particularly of a college. Johnson.

MAN-DA'MUS, n. [L. mando, to command; mandamus, we command. The primary sense is to send.]

In law, a command or writ, issuing from the king's bench in England, and in America, from some of the higher courts, directed to any person, corporation, or inferior court, requiring them to do some act therein specified, which appertains to their office and duty; as to admit or restore a person to an office or franchise, or to an academical degree, or to deliver papers, annex a seal to a paper, &c. Blackstone.

MAN-DA-RIN, n. [Port. mandarim, from mandar, L. mando, to command. This is a Portuguese word. The Chinese name of this officer is Quan. Malcom.]

In China, a magistrate or governor of a province; also, the court language of China.

MAN'DA-TA-RY, or MAN'DA-TO-RY, n. [Fr. mandataire, from L. mando, to command.]

  1. A person to whom the pope has by his prerogative given a mandate or order for his benefice. Ayliffe.
  2. One to whom a command or charge is given.
  3. In law, one who undertakes without a recompense, to do some act for another in respect to the thing bailed to him. Kent.

MAN'DATE, n. [L. mando, to command.]

  1. A command; an order, precept or injunction; a commission. This dream all-powerful Juno sends; I bear / Her mighty mandates, and her words you hear. Dryden.
  2. In canon law, a rescript of the pope, commanding an ordinary collator to put the person therein named in possession of the first vacant benefice in his collation. Encyc.

MAN-DA'TOR, n. [L.]

A director. Ayliffe.


Containing a command; preceptive; directory.

MAN'DI-BLE, n. [L. mando, to chew; W. mant, a jaw, that which shuts.]

The jaw, the instrument of chewing; applied particularly to fowls.


Belonging to the jaw. Gayton.