Dictionary: MU-SI'CIAN – MUSK'Y

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A person skilled in the science of music, or one that sings or performs on instruments of music according to the rules of the art. Bacon. Dryden.


One who teaches music.


Meditation; contemplation.

MUS'ING, ppr.

Meditating in silence.

MUS'ING-LY, adv.

By musing; in a musing way.

MUSK, n.1 [L. muscus; Gr. μοσχος, musk, and moss; It. musco and muschio; Sp. musco; Fr. and Arm. musc; W. mwsg. The latter, Owen derives from mws, which as a noun signifies something that shoots out, effluvia, and as an adjective, of a strong scent. The Arabic word coinciding with these is found under مَسَكَ masaka, to hold or contain, and the name is interpreted to signify both the follicle containing the matter, and the substance contained.]

A strong scented substance obtained from a cyst or bag near the navel of the Thibet musk, (Moschus moschiferus,) an animal that inhabits the Asiatic Alps, especially the Altaic chain. This animal is a little more than three feet in length; the head resembles that of the roe, the fur is coarse, like that of the cervine race, but thick, erect, smooth and soft. It has no horns, but the male has two long tusks, one on each side, projecting from the mouth. The female is smaller than the male, and has neither tusks nor follicle. The cyst of the male is about the size of a hen's egg, oval, flat on one side and rounded on the other, having a small orifice. This contains a clotted, oily, friable matter of a dark brown color, which is the true musk, one of the strongest odors or perfumes in nature. We give the name to the substance and to the animal. Encyc.

MUSK, n.2

Grape-hyacinth or grape-flower. Johnson.

MUSK, v.t.

To perfume with musk.


A particular kind of apple.


The musk, – which see.


A kind of cherry.

MUSK'ET, n. [It. moschetto; Sp. mosquete; Fr. mousquet. It seems to be formed from Sp. mosca, L. musca, a fly.]

  1. A species of fire-arms used in war, and fired by means of a lighted match. This manner of firing was in use as late as the civil war in England. But the proper musket is no longer in use. The name, however, in common speech, is yet applied to fuses or fire-locks fired by a spring lock. Encyc.
  2. A male hawk of a small kind, the female of which is the sparrow-hawk. Dryden. Hanmer.


A soldier armed with a musket. Clarendon.

MUS-KE'TOE, n. [Sp. and Port. musquito, from Sp. mosca, L. musca, a fly.]

A small insect of the genus Culex, that is bred in water; a species of gnat that abounds in marshes and low lands, and whose sting is peculiarly painful and vexatious.

MUS-KET-OON', n. [Fr. mousqueton. See Musket.]

  1. A short thick musket, carrying five ounces of iron, or seven and a half of lead; the shortest kind of blunderbuss. Encyc.
  2. One who is armed with a musketoon. Herbert.


Muskets in general, or their fire.

MUSK'I-NESS, n. [from musk.]

The scent of musk. Johnson.

MUSK'MEL-ON, n. [musk and melon.]

A delicious species of melon; named probably from its fragrance.

MUSK'-OX, n.

The Ovibos moschatus, a ruminant mammal of the bovine tribe, which inhabits the country about Hudson's Bay. It has large horns united at the skull, but turned downward on each side of the head. The hair of this animal is very long and fine. Encyc.


A fragrant kind of pear. Johnson.


An American animal, the Fiber zibethicus. It has a compressed, lanceolated tail, with toes separate. It has the smell of musk in summer, but loses it in winter. The fur is used by hatters. Its popular name in America is musquash, the Indian name. Belknap.


A species of rose; so called from its fragrance. Bacon. Milton.


The seed of a plant of the genus Hibiscus.


The wood of a species of tree of the genus Trichilia.

MUSK'Y, a.

Having the odor of musk; fragrant. Milton.