Dictionary: MUX'Y – MYR'I-ARE

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MUX'Y, a.

Dirty; gloomy. Lemon.

MUZ'ZLE, n. [Fr. museau, muzzle or snout; Arm. musell, probably from the root of mouth.]

  1. The mouth of a thing; the extreme or end for entrance or discharge; applied chiefly to the end of a tube, as the open end of a common fusee or pistol, or of a bellows.
  2. A fastening for the mouth which hinders from biting. With golden muzzles all their mouths were bound. Dryden.

MUZZLE, v.i. .

To bring the mouth near. The bear muzzles and smells to him. L'Estrange.

MUZ'ZLE, v.t.

  1. To bind the mouth; to fasten the mouth to prevent biting or eating. Thou shalt not muzzle the ox when he treadeth out the corn. Deut. xxv.
  2. To fondle with the mouth close. [Low.]
  3. To restrain from hurt. My dagger muzzled. Shak.


Fastened by the mouth to prevent biting or eating.


The lashing by which the muzzle of a gun is secured to the upper part of the port in a ship.


The metalline ring or circle that surrounds the mouth of a cannon or other piece.


Fastening the mouth.

MUZ'ZY, a. [from muse.]

Absent in mind; bewildered. fNot in use.]

MY, a. [pronom. adj. contracted from migen, mine. Me was originally mig, and the adjective migen. So in L. meus. See Mine.]

Belonging to me; as, this is my book. Formerly mine was used before a vowel, and my before a consonant; my is now used before both. We say, my book; my own book; my old friend. Mine is still used after a verb; as, this book is mine.

MYN-HEER, n. [D. my lord or master.]

A Dutchman.

MY-O-GRAPH'IC-AL, a. [See Myography.]

Pertaining to a description of the muscles.


One who describes the muscles of animals.

MY-OG'RA-PHY, n. [Gr. μυς, μυος, a muscle, and γραφω, to describe.]

A description of the muscles of the body.

MY-O-LOG'IC-AL, a. [See Myology.]

Pertaining to the description and doctrine of the muscles.


One who is versed in myology; or who treats of the subject.

MY-OL'O-GY, n. [Gr. μυς, μυος, muscle, and λογος, discourse.]

A description of the muscles, or the doctrine of the muscles of the human body. Cheyne. Encyc.

MY'OPE, n. [Gr. μυωψ; μυω, to shut, and ωψ, the eye.]

A short-sighted person. Adams.

MY'O-PY, n.

Short-sightedness. Encyc.

MY-OT'O-MY, n. [Gr. μυς and τομη, a cutting.]

A dissection of the muscles.

MYR'I-AD, n. [Gr. μυριας, from μυριος, extreme, innumerable; W. myr, that is, infinite, fluctuating, ants, emmets; myrz, infinity; a myriad, ten thousand. Here we see the origin of the Gr. μυρμος, μυρμηξ, an ant, so named from numbers or motion. See Fervent.]

  1. The number of ten thousand.
  2. An immense number, indefinitely. Milton.

MYR-I-AM'E-TER, n. [Gr. μυρια, ten thousand, and μετρον, measure.]

In the new system of French measures, the length of ten thousand meters, equal to two mean leagues of the ancient measure. Lunier.

MYR'I-A-PODE, n. [Gr. μυρια, ten thousand, and ποδες, feet.]

An order or class of animals having many feet or legs. Bell.

MYR'I-ARCH, n. [Gr. μυρια, ten thousand, and αρχος, chief.]

A captain or commander of ten thousand men.

MYR'I-ARE, n. [Gr. μυρια and are, L. area.]

A French linear measure of ten thousand acres, or 100,000 square meters. Lunier.