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MON'O-LOGUE, n. [mon'olog; Gr. μονολογια; μονος, sole, and λογος, speech.]

  1. A soliloquy; a speech uttered by a person alone. Dryden.
  2. A poem, song or scene composed for a single performer. Busby.


One who fights in single combat; a duelist.

MO-NOM'A-CHY, n. [Gr. μονομαχια; μονος, sole, and μαχη, combat.]

A duel; a single combat.


Affected with monomany or partial derangement of intellect.


A person affected by monomany.

MON'O-MA-NY, n. [Gr. μονος and μανια.]

Derangement of a single faculty of the mind, or with regard to a particular subject, the other faculties being in regular exercise.

MON'OME, n. [Gr. μονος, sole, and ονομα, name.]

In algebra, a quantity that has one name only. Harris.


In algebra, a quantity expressed by one name or letter.

MO-NOP'A-THY, n. [Gr. μονος, sole, and παθεια, suffering.]

Solitary suffering or sensibility. Whitlock.

MON-O-PET'AL-OUS, a. [Gr. μονος, only, and πεταλον, flower-leaf.]

In botany, having only one petal, or a one-petaled corol; as, a monopetalous corol or flower. Martyn.

MON'OPH-THONG, n. [Gr. μονος, sole, and φθογγος, sound.]

A letter having one sound; a simple vowel-sound. Beattie.


Consisting of or having a single sound. Rush. Consisting of a simple vowel-sound. Beattie.

MO-NOPH'YL-LOUS, a. [Gr. μονος, sole, and φυλλον, leaf.]

Having one leaf only.

MO-NOPH'Y-SITE, n. [Gr. μονος, only, and φυσις, nature.]

One who maintains that Jesus Christ had but one nature, or that the human and divine nature were so united as to form one nature only. Encyc.

MO-NOP'O-LIST, or MO-NOP-O-LIZ-ER, n. [Sp. and It. monopolista. See Monopolize.]

One that monopolizes; a person who engrosses a commodity by purchasing the whole of that article in market for the purpose of selling at an advanced price; or one who has a license or privilege granted by authority, for the sole buying or selling of any commodity. The man who retains in his hands his own produce or manufacture, is not a monopolist within the meaning of the laws for preventing monopolies.

MO-NOP'O-LIZE, v.t. [Gr. μονος, sole, and πωλεω, to sell; Fr. monopoler.]

  1. To purchase or obtain possession of the whole of any commodity or goods in market with the view of selling them at advanced prices, and of having the power of commanding the prices, as, to monopolize sugar or tea.
  2. To engross or obtain by any means the exclusive right of trading to any place, and the sole power of vending any commodity or goods in a particular place or country; as, to monopolize the India or Levant trade.
  3. To obtain the whole; as, to monopolize advantages. – Federalist, Jay.


Engrossing sole power, or exclusive right; obtaining possession of the whole of any thing.

MO-NOP'O-LY, n. [Fr. monopole; L. monopolium; Gr. μονοπωλια; μωνος and πωλεω.]

The sole power of vending any species of goods, obtained either by engrossing the articles in market by purchase, or by a license from the Government confirming this privilege. Thus the East India Company in Great Britain once had a monopoly of the trade to the East Indies granted to them by charter. Monopolies by individuals obtained by engrossing, are an offense prohibited by law. But a man has by natural right the exclusive power of vending his own produce or manufactures, and to retain that exclusive right is not a monopoly within the meaning of law.

MON-O-POL'Y-LOGUE, n. [Gr. μονος, πολος, and λογος.]

An exhibition in which an actor sustains many characters.

MO-NOP'TER-AL, n. [Gr. μονος and πτερον, a wing.]

In architecture, a temple or circular inclosure of columns, without a cell.

MO-NOP'TOTE, n. [Gr. μονος, only, and πτωσις, case.]

A noun having only one oblique case. – Clarke.

MON'O-RHYME, n. [Gr. μονος and rhyme.]

A composition in verse, in which all the lines end with the same rhyme.

MON-O-SEP'A-LOUS, a. [Gr. μονος, and sepal.]

Having one sepal, that as, when the sepals are united at the margin. – Lindley.

MON-O-SPERM'OUS, a. [Gr. μονος, only, and σπερμα, seed.]

Having one seed only.

MON'O-STICH, n. [Gr. μονοστιχον; μονος, only, and στιχος, verse.]

A composition consisting of one verse only.