Dictionary: ME'DI-AL – MED'IC-ATE

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ME'DI-AL, a. [L. medius, middle.]

Mean; noting a mean or average. Medial alligation, is a method of finding the mean rate or value of a mixture consisting of two or more ingredients of different quantities and values. In this case, the quantity and value of each ingredient are given.


In music, an appellation given to the third above the key-note, because it divides the interval between the tonic and dominant into two thirds. – Rousseau. – Busby.


The membranous septum of the chest, formed by the duplicature of the pleura under the sternum, and dividing the cavity into two parts.

ME'DI-ATE, a. [Fr. mediat; It. mediato; from L. medius, middle.]

  1. Middle; being between the two extremes. Anxious we hover in a mediate state. – Prior.
  2. Interposed; intervening; being between two objects. Soon the mediate clouds shall be dispelled. – Prior.
  3. Acting by means, or by an intervening cause or instrument. Thus we speak of mediate and immediate causes. The wind that propels a ship is the immediate cause of its motion; the oar with which a man rows a boat is the immediate cause of its motion; but the rower is the mediate cause, acting by means of the oar.

ME'DI-ATE, v.i.

  1. To interpose between parties, as the equal friend of each; to act indifferently between contending parties, with a view to reconciliation; to intercede. The prince that mediates between nations and prevents a war, is the benefactor of both parties.
  2. To be between two. [Little used.] – Digby.

ME'DI-ATE, v.t.

  1. To effect by mediation or interposition between parties; as, to mediate a peace. – Clarendon.
  2. To limit by something in the middle. [Not used.] – Holder.

ME'DI-A-TED, pp.

  1. Interposed between parties.
  2. Effected by mediation.

ME'DI-ATE-LY, adv.

By means or by a secondary cause, acting between the first cause and the effect. God worketh all things amongst us mediately by secondary means. – Raleigh. The king grants a manor to A., and A. grants a portion of it to B. In this case, B. holds his lands immediately of A., but mediately of the king. – Blackstone.

ME'DI-A-TING, ppr.

Interposing; effecting by mediation.

ME-DI-A'TION, n. [Fr. from L. medius, middle.]

  1. Interposition; intervention; agency between parties at variance, with a view to reconcile them. The contentions of individuals and families are often terminated by the mediation of friends. The controversies of nations are sometimes adjusted by mediation. The reconciliation of sinners to God by the mediation of Christ, is a glorious display of divine benevolence.
  2. Agency interposed; intervenient power. The soul, during its residence in the body, does all things by the mediation of the passions. – South.
  3. Intercession; entreaty for another.

ME'DI-A-TOR, n. [Fr. mediateur.]

  1. One that interposes between parties at variance for the purpose of reconciling them.
  2. By way of eminence, Christ is the mediator, the divine intercessor through whom sinners may be reconciled to an offended God. – Tim. ii. Christ is a mediator by nature, as partaking of both natures divine and human; and mediator by office, as transacting matters between God and man. – Waterland.


Belonging to a mediator; as, mediatorial office or character. [Mediatory is not used.]


In the manner of a mediator.


The office of a mediator.


Pertaining to mediation.


A female mediator. – Ainsworth.

MED'IC, n.

A plant of the genus Medicago. The sea-medic is of the same genus; the medic vetch is of the genus Hedysarum. – Fam. of Plants.

MED'IC-A-BLE, a. [See Medical.]

That may be cured or healed.

MED'IC-AL, a. [L. medicus, from medeor, to heal; Gr. μηδικος, μηδομαι; μηδος, cure.]

  1. Pertaining to the art of healing diseases; as, the medical profession; medical services.
  2. Medicinal; containing that which heals; tending to cure; as, the medical properties of a plant.
  3. Adapted, intended or instituted to teach medical science. In this country, medical schools are comparatively of recent date. – Hosack.

MED'IC-AL-LY, adv.

  1. In the manner of medicine; according to the rules of the healing art, or for the purpose of healing; as, a simple or mineral medically used or applied.
  2. In relation to the healing art; as, a plant medically considered.

MED'IC-A-MENT, n. [Fr. from L. medicamentum.]

Any thing used for healing diseases or wounds; a medicine; a healing application. – Coxe.


Relating to healing applications; having the qualities of medicaments.


After the manner of healing applications.


A quack. – Whitlock.

MED'IC-ATE, v.t. [L. medico.]

  1. To tincture or impregnate with healing substances, or with any thing medicinal. – Arbuthnot.
  2. To treat with medicine; to heal; to cure.