Dictionary: MEM'O-RATE – MEN-A-GOGUE

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MEM'O-RATE, v.t.

To mention for remembrance. [Obs.]


Adapted or tending to preserve the memory of any thing. Hammond.

ME-MO'-RI-AL, a. [Fr. from L. memorialis. See Memory.]

  1. Preservative of memory. There high in air memorial of my name, / Fix the smooth oar, and bid me live to fame. Pope.
  2. Contained in memory; as, memorial possession. Watts.


  1. That which preserves the memory of something; any thing that serves to keep in memory. A monument is a memorial of a deceased person, or of an event. The Lord's supper is a memorial of the death and sufferings of Christ. Churches have names; some as memorials of peace, some of wisdom, some of the Trinity. Hooker.
  2. Any note or hint to assist the memory. Memorials written with King Edward's hand shall be the ground of this history. Hayward.
  3. A written representation of facts, made to a legislative or other body as the ground of a petition, or a representation of facts accompanied with a petition.


  1. One who writes a memorial. Spectator.
  2. One who presents a memorial to a legislative or any other body, or to a person. United States.


To present a memorial to; to petition by memorial. United States.


Petitioned by memorial.


One who causes to be remembered. [Not used.] Brown.

MEM'O-RIZE, v.t.

  1. To record; to commit to memory by writing. They neglect to memorize their conquest of the Indians. Spenser.
  2. To cause to be remembered. They meant to memorize another Golgotha. Shak.


Recorded; committed to memory.

MEM'O-RY, n. [L. memoria; Fr. memoire; Sw. minne; Ir. meamhair, or meabhair, meanma. This word is from memini, which is probably corrupted from the Greek μναομαι, to remember, from μενος, mind, or the same root. See Mind.]

  1. The faculty of the mind by which it retains the knowledge of past events, or ideas which are past. A distinction is made between memory and recollection. Memory retains past ideas without any, or with little effort; recollection implies an effort to recall ideas that are past. Beattie. Reid. Stewart. Memory is the purveyor of reason. Rambler.
  2. A retaining of past ideas in the mind; remembrance. Events that excite little attention are apt to escape from memory.
  3. Exemption from oblivion. That ever-living man of memory, / Henry the Fifth. Shak.
  4. The time within which past events can be remembered or recollected, or the time within which a person may have knowledge of what is past. The revolution in England was before my memory; the revolution in America was within the author's memory.
  5. Memorial; monumental record; that which calls to remembrance. A monument in London was erected in memory of the conflagration in 1666.
  6. Reflection; attention. Shak.

MEM'O-RY, v.t.

To lay up in the mind or memory. [Not used.] Chaucer.

MEMPH'I-AN, a. [from Memphis, the ancient metropolis of Egypt, said to be altered from Menuf, Memf. Ludolf.]

Pertaining to Memphis; very dark; a sense borrowed from the darkness of Egypt in the time of Moses.

MEN, n. [plur. of Man.]

  1. Two or more males, individuals of the human race.
  2. Males of bravery. We will live in honor, or die like men.
  3. Persons; people; mankind; in an indefinite sense. Men are apt to forget the benefactor, while they riot on the benefit.


  1. A threat or threatening; the declaration or show of a disposition or determination to inflict an evil; used of persons.
  2. The show of a probable evil or catastrophe to come.

MEN'ACE, v.t. [Fr. menacer; It. minacciare; Sp. amenazar; L. minor. The primary sense is to rush, throw or push forward. The sense is more clearly expressed by emineo and promineo, to jut forward, from the, same root. See Mind, which is of the same family.]

  1. To threaten; to express or show a disposition or determination to inflict punishment or other evil. The combined powers menaced France with war on every side.
  2. To show or manifest the probability of future evil or danger to. The spirit of insubordination menaced Spain with the horrors of civil war.
  3. To exhibit the appearance of any catastrophe to come; as, a hanging rock menaces a fall, or menaces the plain or the inhabitants below.

MEN'A-CED, pp.



One that threatens.


An oxyd of titanium, a mineral of a grayish or iron black color, occurring in very small rounded grains, imperfectly lamellar, and of a glistening luster; found near Menachan, in Cornwall, England. Ure. Phillips. Cleaveland.


Pertaining to menachanite.

MEN'A-CING, ppr.

  1. Threatening; declaring a disposition or determination to inflict evil.
  2. adj. Exhibiting the danger or probability of an evil or catastrophe to come; as, a menacing attitude.


In a threatening manner.

MEN'AGE, n. [Fr. a family. See Manage.]

A collection of brute animals. Addison.

MEN'A-GER-Y, n. [Fr. menagerie; It. menageria.]

A yard or place in which wild animals are kept; also, a collection of wild animals.

MEN-A-GOGUE, n. [men'agog; Gr. μηνες, menstrua, and αγω, to drive.]

A medicine that promotes the menstrual flux. Quincy.