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TREP-ID-A'TION, n. [L. trepidatio, from trepido, to tremble; Russ. trepeg, a trembling; trepeschu, to tremble.]

  1. An involuntary trembling; a quaking or quivering, particularly from fear or terror; hence, a state of terror. The men were in great trepidation.
  2. A trembling of the limbs, as in paralytic affections.
  3. In the old astronomy, a libration of the eighth sphere, or a motion which the Ptolemaic system ascribes to the firmament, to account for the changes and motion of the axis of the world. Cyc.
  4. Hurry; confused haste.


  1. In law, violation of another's rights, not amounting to treason, felony, or misprision of either. Thus to enter another's close, is a trespass; to attack his person, is a trespass. When violence accompanies the act, it is called a trespass vi et armis.
  2. Any injury or offense done to another. If ye forgive not men their trespasses, neither will your Father forgive your trespasses. Matth. vi.
  3. Any voluntary transgression of the moral law; any violation of a known rule of duty; sin. Col. ii. You hath he quickened, who were dead in trespasses and sins. Eph. ii.

TRES'PASS, v.i. [Norm. trespasser; tres, L. trans, beyond, and passer, to pass.]

  1. Literally, to pass beyond; hence, primarily, to pass over the boundary line of another's land; to enter unlawfully upon the land of another. A man may trespass by walking over the ground of another, and the law gives a remedy for damages sustained.
  2. To commit any offense, or to do any act that injures or annoys another; to violate any rule of rectitude, to the injury of another. If any man shall trespass against his neighbor, and an oath be laid upon him. 1 Kings viii. See Luke xvii, 3 and 4.
  3. In a moral sense, to transgress voluntarily any divine law or command; to violate any known rule of duty. In the time of his disease did he trespass yet more. 2 Chron. xxviii. We have trespassed against our God. Ezra x.
  4. To intrude; to go too far; to put to inconvenience by demand or importunity; as, to trespass upon the time or patience of another.


  1. One who commits a trespass; one who enters upon another's land, or violates his rights.
  2. A transgressor of the moral law; an offender; a sinner.


Entering another man's inclosure; injuring or annoying another; violating the divine law of moral duty.

TRESS, n. [Fr. and Dan. tresse; Sw. tress, a lock or weft of hair; Dan. tresser, Sw. tressa, Russ. tresuyu, to weave, braid, or twist. The Sp. has trenza, and the Port. trança, a tress. The French may possibly be from the It. treccia, but probably it is from the North of Europe.]

A knot or curl of hair; a ringlet. Fair tresses man's imperial race insnare. Pope.


  1. Having tresses.
  2. Curled; formed into ringlets. Spenser.


In heraldry, a kind of border.

TRES'TLE, n. [tres'l; Fr. trêteau, for tresteau; W. três, a trace, a chain, a stretch, labor; tresiaw, to labor, that is, to strain; trestyl, a strainer, a trestle. This root occurs in stress and distress.]

  1. The frame of a table. [Qu. D. driestal, a three-legged stool.]
  2. A movable form for supporting any thing.
  3. In bridges, a frame consisting of two posts with a head or cross beam and braces, on which rest the string-pieces. [This is the use of the word in New England. It is vulgarly pronounced trussel or trussl.] Trestle-trees, in a ship, are two strong bars of timber, fixed horizontally on the opposite sides of the lower mast-heat to support the frame of the top and the top-mast. Mar. Dict.

TRET, n. [probably from L. tritus, tero, to wear.]

In commerce, an allowance to purchasers, for waste or refuse matter, of four per cent. on the weight of commodities. It is said this allowance is nearly discontinued. Cyc.

TRETH'INGS, n. [W. trêth, a tax; trethu, to tax.]

Taxes; imposts. [I know not where used. It is unknown, I believe, in the United States.]

TREV'ET, n. [three-feet, tripod; Fr. trepied.]

A stool or other thing that is supported by three legs.

TREY, n. [L. tres, Eng. three, Fr. trois.]

A three at cards; a card of three spots. Shak.

TRI, a.

A prefix in words of Greek and Latin origin, signifies three, from Gr. τρεις.

TRI'A-BLE, a. [from try.]

  1. That may be tried; that may be subjected to trial or test. Boyle.
  2. That may undergo a judicial examination; that may properly come under the cognizance of a court. A cause may be triable before one court, which is not triable in another. In England, testamentary causes are triable in the ecclesiastical courts.]


The state of being triable.

TRI-A-CON-TA-HE'DRAL, a. [Gr. τριακοντα, thirty, and εδρα, side.]

Having thirty sides. In mineralogy, bounded by thirty rhombs. Cleaveland.

TRI'A-CON-TER, n. [Gr. τριακοντηρης.]

In ancient Greece, a vessel of thirty oars. Mitford.

TRI'AD, n. [L. trias, from tres, three.]

The union of three; three united. In music, the common chord or harmony, consisting of the third, fifth, and eighth. Busby.

TRI'AL, n. [from try.]

  1. Any effort or exertion of strength for the purpose of ascertaining its effect, or what can be done. A man tries to lift a stone, and on trial finds he is not able. A team attempts to draw a load, and after unsuccessful trial, the attempt is relinquished.
  2. Examination by a test; experiment; as in chimistry and metallurgy.
  3. Experiment; act of examining by experience. In gardening and agriculture, we learn by trial, what land will produce; and often repeated trials are necessary.
  4. Experience; suffering that puts strength, patience, or faith to the test; afflictions or temptations that exercise and prove the graces or virtues of men. Others had trial of cruel knockings and scourgings. Heb. xi.
  5. In law, the examination of a cause in controversy between parties, before a proper tribunal. Trials are civil or criminal. Trial in civil causes, may be by record or inspection; it may be by witnesses and jury, or by the court. By the laws of England and of the United States, trial by jury, in criminal cases, is held sacred. No criminal can be legally deprived of that privilege.
  6. Temptation; test of virtue. Every station is exposed to some trials. Rogers.
  7. State of being tried. Shak.

TRI-AL'I-TY, n. [from three.]

Three united; state of being three. [Little used.] Wharton.

TRI'AN-DER, n. [Gr. τρεις, three, and ανηρ, a male.]

A monoclinous or hermaphrodite plant having three distinct and equal stamens.


Having three distinct and equal stamens, in the same flower with a pistil or pistils.

TRI'AN-GLE, n. [Fr. from L. triangulum; tres, tria, three, and angulus, a corner.]

  1. In geometry, a figure bounded by three lines, and containing three angles. The three angles of a triangle are equal to two right angles, or the number of degrees in a semi-circle. If the three lines or sides of a triangle are all right, it is a plane or rectilinear triangle. If all the three sides are equal, it is an equilateral triangle. If two of the sides only are equal, it is an isosceles or equicrural triangle. If all the three sides are unequal, it is a scalene or scalenous triangle. If one of the angles is a right angle, the triangle is rectangular. If one of the angles is obtuse, the triangle is called obtusangular or amblygonous. If all the angles are acute, the triangle is acutangular or oxygonous. If the three lines of a triangle are all curves, the triangle is said to be curvilinear. If some of the sides are right and others curve, the triangle is said to be mixtilinear. If the sides are all arcs of great circles of the sphere, the triangle is said be spherical. Cyc.
  2. An instrument of percussion in music, made of a rod of polished steel, bent into the form of a triangle.


Having three angles.