Dictionary: TEST'A-BLE – TEST'I-FY

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TEST'A-BLE, a. [L. testor. See Testament.]

That may be devised or given by will. Blackstone.

TES-TA'CE-A, n. [plur.]

Shelled animals. [See Testaceous.]


TES-TA-CE-OL'O-GY, or TES-TAL'O-GY, n. [L. testacea or testa, and Gr. λογος.]

The science of testaceous venues, or of those soft and simple animals which have a testaceous covering; a branch of vermeology. [Words thus formed of two languages are rather anomalous, and the first for its length is very objectionable.]

TES-TA'CEOUS, a. [L. testaceus, from testa, a shell. The primary sense of testa, testis, testor, &c. is to thrust or drive; hence the sense of hardness, compactness, in testa and testis; and hence the sense of attest, contest, detest, testator, testament, all implying a sending, driving, &c.]

Pertaining to shells; consisting of a hard shell, or having a hard continuous shell. Testaceous animals are such as have a strong thick entire shell, as oysters and clams; and are thus distinguished from crustaceous animals, whose shells are more thin and soft, and consist of several pieces jointed, as lobsters. Cyc. Testaceous medicines, are all preparations of shells and like substances, as the powders of crabs' claws, pearl, itc. Encyc.

TEST'A-MENT, n. [Fr. from L. testamentum, from testor, to make a will.]

  1. A solemn authentic instrument in writing, by which a person declares his will as to the disposal of his estate and effects after his death. This is otherwise called a will. A testament, to be valid, must be made when the testator is of sound mind, and it must be subscribed, witnessed and published in such manner as the law prescribes. A man in certain cases may make a valid will by words only, and such will is called nuncupative. Blackstone.
  2. The name of each general division of the canonical books of the sacred Scriptures; as, the Old Testament; the New Testament. The name is equivalent to covenant, and in our use of it, we apply it to the books which contain the old and new dispensations; that of Moses, and that of Jesus Christ.


  1. Pertaining to a will or to wills; as, testamentary causes in law.
  2. Bequeathed by will; given by testament; as, testamentary charities. Atterbury.
  3. Done by testament or will. Testamentary guardian of a minor, is one appointed by the deed or will of a father, until the child becomes of age.


The act or power of giving by will. [Little used.] Burke.

TEST'ATE, a. [L. testatus.]

Having made and left a will; as, a person is said to die testate.

TEST-A'TION, n. [L. testatio.]

A witnessing or witness. Bp. Hall.

TEST-A'TOR, n. [L.]

A man who makes and leaves a will or testament at death.


A woman who makes and leaves a will at death.

TEST'ED, pp.

Tried or approved by a test. Shak. Parkhurst.


A French coin, of the value of about six-pence sterling.

TEST'ER, n. [Fr. tête, head.]

The top covering of a bed, consisting of some species of cloth, supported by the bedstead.


A sixpence.

TES'TERN, v.t.

To present with a sixpence.

TEST'I-CLE, n. [L. testiculus; literally a hard mass, like testa, a shell.]

The testicles are the glands which secrete the seminal fluid in males.


In botany, shaped like a testicle. Lee.

TES-TIF-I-CA'TION, n. [L. testificatio. See Testify.]

The act of testifying or giving testimony or evidence; as, a direct testification of our homage to God. South.


One who gives witness or evidence.

TEST'I-FI-ED, pp. [from testify.]

Given in evidence; witnessed; published; made known.

TEST'I-FI-ER, n. [from testify.]

One who testifies; one who gives testimony or bears witness to prove any thing.

TEST'I-FY, v.i. [L. testificor; testis and facio; It. testificare; Sp. testificar.]

  1. To make a solemn declaration, verbal or written, to establish some fact; to give testimony for the purpose of communicating to others a knowledge of something not known to them. Jesus needed not that any should testify of man, for he knew what was in man. John ii.
  2. In judicial proceedings, to make a solemn declaration under oath, for the purpose of establishing or making proof of some fact to a court; to give testimony in a cause depending before a tribunal. One witness shall not testily against any person to cause him to die. Numb. xxxv.
  3. To declare a charge against one. O Israel, I will testify against thee. Ps. i.
  4. To protest; to declare against. I testified against them in the day wherein they sold provisions. Neh. xiii.

TEST'I-FY, v.t.

  1. To affirm or declare solemnly for the purpose of establishing a fact. We speak that we do know, and testify that we have seen. John iii.
  2. In law, to affirm or declare under oath before a tribunal, for the purpose of proving some fact.
  3. To bear witness to; to support the truth of by testimony. To testify the Gospel of the grace of God. Acts xx.
  4. To publish and declare freely. Testifying both to the Jews, and also to the Greeks, repentance toward God and faith toward our Lord Jesus Christ. Acts xx.