Dictionary: TER'REL – TER'ROR-ISM

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TER'REL, n. [from terra.]

Little earth, a magnet of a just spherical figure, and so placed that its poles, equator, &c. correspond exactly to those of the world.

TERRE-MOTE, n. [L. terra, earth, and motus, motion.]

An earthquake. [Not in use.] Gower.

TER-RENE', a. [L. terrenus, from terra, W. tir, earth.]

  1. Pertaining to the earth; earthy; as, terrene substance.
  2. Earthly; terrestrial. God set before hint a mortal and immortal life, a nature celestial and terrene. Ralegh.

TER'RE-OUS, a. [L. terreus, from terra, earth.]

Earthy; consisting of earth; as, terreous substances; terreous particles. Brown.

TERRE-PLEIN, or TERRE-PLAIN, n. [Fr. terre, earth, and plein, full.]

In fortification, the top, platform or horizontal surface of a rampart, on which the cannon are placed.

TER-RES'TRI-AL, a. [L. terrestris, from terra, the earth.]

  1. Pertaining to the earth; existing on the earth; as, terrestrial animals; bodies terrestrial. 1 Cor. xv.
  2. Consisting of earth; as, the terrestrial globe.
  3. Pertaining to the world, or to the present state; sublunary. Death puts an end to all terrestrial scenes.


After an earthly manner. More.


  1. Earthy. [Little used.]
  2. Pertaining to the earth; being or living on the earth; terrestrial. Brown.

TERRE-TEN'ANT, or TER-TEN'ANT, n. [Fr. terre-tenant.]

One who has the actual possession of land; the occupant.

TERRE-VERTE, n. [Fr. terre, earth, and verd, verte, green.]

A species of green earth, used by painters. It is an indurated clay, found in the earth in large flat masses, imbedded in strata of other species of earth. It is of a fine regular structure, and of a smooth glossy surface. It is found in Cyprus, France and Italy. Cyc.

TER'RI-BLE, a. [Fr. from L. terribilis, from terreo, to frighten.]

  1. Frightful; adapted to excite terror; dreadful; formidable. Prudent in peace, and terrible in war. Prior. The form of the image was terrible. Dan. ii.
  2. Adapted to impress dread, terror or solemn awe and reverence. The Lord thy God is among you, a mighty God and terrible. Deut. vii. Let them praise thy great and terrible name, for it is holy. Ps. xcix. He hath done for thee these great and terrible things, which thine eyes have seen. Deut. x.
  3. [adv.] Severely; very; so as to give pain; as, terrible cold; a colloquial phrase.


Dreadfulness; formidableness; the quality or state of being terrible; as, the terribleness of a sight.

TER'RI-BLY, adv.

  1. Dreadfully; in a manner to excite terror or fright. When he ariseth to shake terribly the earth. Is. ii.
  2. Violently; very greatly. The poor man squalled terribly. Swift.

TER'RI-ER, n. [Fr. from terra, earth.]

  1. A dog or little hound, that creeps into the ground after animals that burrow. Dryden.
  2. A lodge or hole where certain animals, as foxes, rabbits, badgers and the like secure themselves. Cyc.
  3. Originally, a collection of acknowledgments of the vassals or tenants of a lordship, containing the rents and services they owed to the lord, &c.; at present, a book or roll in which the lands of private persons or corporations are described by their site, boundaries, number of acres, &c. Cyc.
  4. A wimble, auger or borer. [L. tero.] Ainsworth.

TER-RI'FIC, a. [L. terrificus, from terreo, terror, and facio.]

Dreadful; causing terror; adapted to excite great fear or dread; as, a terrific form; terrific sight.


Frightened; affrighted.

TER'RI-FY, v.t. [L. terror and facio, to make.]

To frighten; to alarm or shock with fear. They were terrified and affrighted. Luke xxiv. When ye shall hear of wars and commotions, be not terrified. Luke xxi. Job vii.


Frightening; affrighting.

TER-RIG'EN-OUS, a. [L. terrigena, one born of the earth; terra and gigno.]

Earthborn; produced by the earth.

TER-RI-TO'RI-AL, a. [from territory.]

  1. Pertaining to territory or land; as, territorial limits; territorial jurisdiction. Tooke.
  2. Limited to a certain district. Rights may be personal or territorial.


In regard to territory; by means of territory. E. Everett.


Possessed of territory. Selden.

TER'RI-TO-RY, n. [Fr. territoire; It. and Sp. territorio; L. territorium, from terra, earth.]

  1. The extent or compass of land within the bounds or belonging to the jurisdiction of any state, city or other body. Linger not in my territories. Shak. They erected a house within their own territory. Hayward. Arts and sciences took their rise and flourished only in those small territories where the people were free. Swift.
  2. A tract of land belonging to and under the dominion of a prince or state, lying at a distance from the parent country or from the seat of government; as, the territories of the East India Company; the territories of the United States; the territory of Michigan; Northwest territory. These districts of country, when received into the union and acknowledged to be states, lose the appellation of territory. Constitution of the United States.

TER'ROR, n. [L. terror, from terreo, to frighten; Fr. terreur; It. terrore.]

  1. Extreme fear; violent dread; fright; fear that agitates the body and mind. The sword without and terror within. Deut. xxxii. The terrors of God do set themselves in array against me. John vi. Amaze and terror seiz'd the rebel host. Milton.
  2. That which may excite dread; the cause of extreme fear. Rulers are not a terror to good works, but to the evil. Rom. xiii. Those enormous terrors of the Nile. Prior.
  3. In Scripture, the sudden judgments of God are called terrors. Ps. lxxiii.
  4. The threatening of wicked men, or evil apprehended from them. 1 Pet. iii.
  5. Awful majesty, calculated to impress fear. 2 Cor. v.
  6. Death is emphatically styled the king of terrors.


A state of being terrified, or a state impressing terror. Jefferson.