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Tyrannical disposition or practice. Ch. Relig. Appeal.

TY-RAN'NI-CIDE, n. [L. tyrannus, tyrant, and cædo, to kill.]

  1. The act of killing a tyrant.
  2. One who kills a tyrant. Hume.

TYR'AN-NING, ppr. [or adj.]

Acting as a tyrant. [Not used.] Spenser.

TYR'AN-NIZE, v.i. [Fr. tyranniser.]

To act the tyrant; to exercise arbitrary power; to rule with unjust and oppressive severity; to exercise power over others not permitted by law or required by justice, or with a severity not necessary to the ends of justice and government. A prince will often tyrannize over his subjects; republican legislatures sometimes tyrannize over their fellow citizens; masters sometimes tyrannize over their servants or apprentices. A husband may not tyrannize over his wife and children.


Ruled with oppressive severity.


Exercising arbitrary power; ruling with unjust seventy.

TYR'AN-NY, n. [Fr. tyrannie; from tyran.]

  1. Arbitrary or despotic exercise of power; the exercise of power over subjects and others with a rigor not authorized by law or justice, or not requisite for the purposes of government. Hence tyranny is often synonymous with cruelty and oppression.
  2. Cruel government or discipline; as, the tyranny of a master.
  3. Unresisted and cruel power.
  4. Absolute monarchy cruelly administered.
  5. Severity; rigor; inclemency. The tyranny o' th' open night. Shak.


Tyrannical; arbitrary; unjustly severe; despotic. Sidney.

TY'RANT, n. [L. tyrannus; Gr. τυραννος. The Welsh has teyrn, a king or sovereign, which Owen says is compounded of te, (that spreads,) and gyrn, imperious, supreme, from gyr, a driving. The Gaelic has tiarna and tighearna, a lord, prince or ruler, from tigh, a house; indicating that the word originally signified the master of a family merely, or the head of a clan. There is some uncertainty as to the real origin of the word. It originally signified merely a chief, king or prince.]

  1. A monarch or other ruler or master, who uses power to oppress his subjects; a person who exercises unlawful authority, or lawful authority in an unlawful manner; one who by taxation, injustice or cruel punishment, or the demand of unreasonable services, imposes burdens and hardships on these under his control, which law and humanity do not authorize, or which the purposes of government do not require.
  2. A despotic ruler; a cruel master; an oppressor. Love, to a yielding heart is a king, to a resisting heart is a tyrant. Sidney.

TYR'I-AN, a.

  1. Pertaining to the ancient Tyre.
  2. Being of a purple color.

TYR'I-AN, n.

A native of Tyre.

TY'RO, n.

A beginner in learning.

TY'RO, n. [L. tiro; Sp. tiron, from tirar, to draw, tug, pull; Port. tirar; Fr. tirer. Hence L. tirocinium.]

  1. A beginner in learning; a noviciate; one who tugs in the rudiments of any branch of study. Hence
  2. A person imperfectly acquainted with a subject.

TYTHE, n. [or v. See TITHE.]


TZAR, n.

The emperor of Russia.


The empress of Russia.