Dictionary: RE-RE-SOLVE – RES'CU-ER

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RE-RE-SOLVE, v.t. [re-resolv'.]

To resolve a second time.


Resolved a second time.

RERE-WARD, n. [rear and ward.]

The part of an army that marches in the rear, as the guard; the rear guard. Num. x. Is. lii. [The latter orthography is to be preferred.]

RE-SAIL, v.t. [or v. i. re and sail.]

To sail back. – Pope.


Sailed back.


Sailing back.

RE-SALE, n. [re and sale.]

  1. A sale at second hand. – Bacon.
  2. A second sale; a sale of what was before sold to the possessor.

RE-SA-LUTE, v.t. [L. resaluto; re and saluto, to salute; Fr. resaluer.]

  1. To salute or greet anew. – Milton.
  2. To return a salutation.


Saluted again.


Saluting anew.

RE-SCIND', v.t. [L. rescindo; re and scindo, to cut; Fr. rescinder.]

  1. To abrogate; to revoke; to annul; to vacate an act by the enacting authority or by superior authority; as, to rescind a law, a resolution or a vote; to rescind an edict or decree; to rescind a judgment.
  2. To cut off. [Not used.]


Abrogated; revoked; annulled.


Abrogating; revoking; annulling.

RE-SCIS-SION, n. [resizh'on; Fr. rescision, from L. rescissus.]

  1. The act of abrogating, annulling or vacating; as, the rescission of a law, decree or judgment.
  2. A cutting off.

RE-SCIS'SO-RY, a. [Fr. rescisoire.]

Having power to cut off or to abrogate. – Selden.

RES'COUS, n. [or v.]

in law. [See Rescue.]

RE-SCRIBE, v.t. [L. rescribo; re and scribo, to write.]

  1. To write back. – Ayliffe.
  2. To write over again. – Howell.

RE'SCRIPT, n. [L. rescriptum, rescribo.]

The answer of an emperor, when consulted by particular persons on some difficult question. This answer serves as a decision of the question, and is therefore equivalent to an edict or decree. – Encyc.


A writing back; the answering of a letter. – Loveday.


By rescript. [Unusual.] – Burke.


That may be rescued. – Gayton.

RES'CUE, n. [See the verb.]

  1. Deliverance from restraint, violence or danger, by force or by the interference of an agent.
  2. In law, rescue or rescous, the forcible retaking of a lawful distress from the distrainor or from the custody of the law; also, the forcible liberation of a defendant from the custody of the officer, in which cases, the remedy is by writ of rescous. But when the distress is unlawfully taken, the owner may lawfully make rescue. The rescue of a prisoner from the court, is punished with perpetual imprisonment and forfeiture of goods. – Blackstone.

RES-CUE, v.t. [res'cu; Norm. rescure, to rescue; rescous, retaken, rescued, relieved; Fr. recourre, recous; qu. from recouvrer, to recover. The Italian riscattare, Sp. rescatar, Port. resgatar, to redeem, to rescue, is compounded of re and cattare, to get. The Fr. recous is evidently the It. riscossa, recovery, riscosso, recovered, from riscuotere, to redeem, ransom, regain, escape, exact, or recover, contracted in Fr. recourre, from ri or re and It. scuotere, to shake; scossa, a shaking; L. re and quatio.]

To free or deliver from any confinement, violence, danger or evil; to liberate from actual restraint, or to remove or withdraw from a state of exposure to evil; as, to rescue a prisoner from an officer; to rescue seamen from destruction by shipwreck. So the people rescued Jonathan that he died not. – 1 Sam. xiv. xxx. Ps. xxxv. Cattle taken by distress contrary to law, may be rescued by the owner, while on their way to the pound. – Blackstone. Estimate the value of one soul rescued from eternal guilt and agony, and destined to grow forever in the knowledge and likeness of God. – A. Dickinson.

RES'CU-ED, pp.

Delivered from confinement or danger; or forcibly taken from the custody of the law.


One that rescues or retakes. – Kent.