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Removal back again; a migration to a former place. – Hale.

RE-MIND, v.t. [re and mind.]

  1. To put in mind; to bring to the remembrance of; as, to remind a person of his promise.
  2. To bring to notice or consideration. The infirmities of old age remind us of our mortality.


Put in mind.


Tending or adapted to remind; careful to remind. Southey.


Putting in mind; calling attention to.

REM-I-NIS'CENCE, n. [Fr. from L. reminiscens, reminiscor, Gr. μναομαι. See Memory.]

  1. That faculty of the mind by which ideas formerly received into it, but forgotten, are recalled or revived in the memory. – Encyc.
  2. Recollection; recovery of ideas that had escaped from the memory. – Hale.
  3. Reminiscence seems often to signify recollection expressed; a relation of what is recollected.


One who calls to mind, and records past events.


Pertaining to reminiscence or recollection. – Brown.

REM'I-PED, n.1 [L. remus, an oar, and pes, a foot.]

An aquatic animal, whose feet serve as oars.

REM-I-PED, n.2

One of a genus of crustaceous animals, whose two front feet are elongated. [1841 Addenda only.]

RE-MISE, v.t. [s as z. Fr. remise, from remettre; L. remissus, remitto; re and mitto, to send.]

To give or grant back; to release a claim; to resign or surrender by deed. A. B. hath remised, released, and forever quitclaimed to B. C. all his right to the manor of Dale. – Blackstone.

RE-MIS-ED, pp.


RE-MIS-ING, ppr.

Surrendering by deed.

RE-MISS', a. [Fr. remis; L. remissus, supra.]

  1. Slack; dilatory; negligent; not performing duty or business; not complying with engagements at all, or not in due time; as, to be remiss in attendance on official duties; remiss in payment of debts.
  2. Slow; slack; languid. – Woodward.
  3. Not intense. These nervous, bold; those languid and remiss. – Roscommon.


That may be remitted or forgiven. – Feltham.

RE-MIS'SION, n. [Fr. from L. remissio, from remitto, to send back.]

  1. Abatement; relaxation; moderation; as, the remission of extreme rigor. – Bacon.
  2. Abatement; diminution of intensity; as, the remission of the sun's heat; the remission of cold; the remission of close study or of labor. – Woodward. Locke.
  3. Release; discharge or relinquishment of a claim or right; as, the remission of a tax or duty. – Addison.
  4. In medicine, abatement; a temporary subsidence of the force or violence of a disease or of pain, as distinguished from intermission, in which the disease leaves the patient entirely for a time.
  5. Forgiveness; pardon; that is, the giving up of the punishment due to a crime; as, the remission of sins. – Matth. xxvi. Heb. ix.
  6. The act of sending back. [Not in use.]


Remitting; forgiving. – Hacket.

RE-MISS'LY, adv.

  1. Carelessly; negligently; without close attention. – Hooker.
  2. Slowly; slackly; not vigorously; not with ardor. – Clarendon.


Slackness; slowness; carelessness; negligence; want of ardor or vigor; coldness; want of punctuality; want of attention to any business, duty or engagement in the proper time or with the requisite industry. – Denham. Arbuthnot.

RE-MIT', v.t. [L. remitto, to send back; re and mitto, to send; Fr. remettre; It. rimettere; Sp. remitir.]

  1. To relax, as intensity; to make less tense or violent. So willingly doth God remit his ire. – Milton.
  2. To forgive; to surrender the right of punishing a crime; as, to remit punishment. – Dryden.
  3. To pardon, as a fault or crime. Whosesoever sins ye remit, they are remitted to them. – John xx.
  4. To give up; to resign. In grievous and inhuman crimes, offenders should be remitted to their prince. – Hayward.
  5. To refer; as, a clause that remitted all to the bishop's discretion. – Bacon.
  6. To send back. The pris'ner was remitted to the guard. – Dryden.
  7. To transmit money, bills or other things in payment for goods received. American merchants remit money, bills of exchange or some species of stock, in payment for British goods.
  8. To restore. In this case the law remits him to his ancient and more certain right. – Blackstone.

RE-MIT', v.t.

  1. To slacken; to become lese intense or rigorous. When our passions remit, the vehemence of our speech remits too. – Broome. So we say, cold or heat remits.
  2. To abate in violence for a time, without intermission; as, a fever remits at a certain hour every day.


  1. The act of remitting to custody.
  2. Forgiveness; pardon. Milton.


A remitting; a giving up; surrender; as, the remittal of the first fruits. Swift.


  1. In commerce, the act of transmitting money, bills or the like, to a distant place, in return or payment for goods purchased.
  2. The sum or thing remitted in payment. – Addison.


Relaxed; forgiven; pardoned; sent back; referred; given up; transmitted in payment.