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CO'HO-BATE, v.t. [Port. cohorar.]

Among chimists, to repeat the distillation of the same liquor or that from the same body, pouring the liquor back upon the matter remaining in the vessel. Bailey. Encyc.


Repeatedly distilled.


Distilling repeatedly.

CO-HO-BA'TION, n. [Sp. cohobacion.]

The operation of repeatedly distilling the same liquor, or that from the same substance. – Encyc.

CO-HOES', or CO-HOZE', n.

A fall of water, or falls; a word of Indian origin in America.

CO'HORT, n. [L. cohors; Fr. cohorte; It. coorte; Sp. cohorte; Port, id.]

  1. Among the Romans, a body of about five or six hundred men; each cohort consisted of three maniples, and each maniple, of two centuries; and ten cohorts constituted a legion. – Adam, Rom. Ant.
  2. In poetry, a hand or body of warriors. – Milton.


Exhortation; encouragement. [Not used.] – Dict.

COIF, n. [Fr. coiffe; Arm, coeff; It. cuffia, a cap; Sp. cofia, a net of silk or thread worn on the head; Port. coifa, a caul.]

A kind of caul, or cap, worn on the head by sergeants at law and others. Its chief use was to cover the clerical tonsure. – Encyc.

COIF, v.t.

To cover or dress with a coif.


Wearing a coif.

COIF'FURE, n. [Fr.]

A head-dress. – Addison.


for COIN. [See Coin, a corner.] – Shak.

COIGNE, or COIN'Y, v.t.

To live by extortion. [An Irish word.] – Bryskett.

COIL, n.

  1. A rope gathered into a ring; on shipboard, a single turn or winding is called a fake, and a range of fakes is called a tier.
  2. A noise, tumult, bustle. [Not used.] – Bailey. Johnson.

COIL, v.t. [Fr. cueillir; perhaps Gr. ειλεω, or κυλιω. See the roots, גלל and קהל, Class Gl, No. 5, 48.]

To gather, as a line or cord into a circular form; to wind into a ring, as a serpent, or a rope.

COIL'ED, pp.

Gathered into a circular form, as a rope or a serpent.

COIL'ING, ppr.

Gathering or winding into a ring or circle.

COIN, n.1 [Fr. coin, a corner, a wedge; Arm. coign; Sp. esquina, a corner, and cuña, a wedge; Port. quina; L. cuneus; Gr. γωνια; Ir. cuinne; W. gaing,or cyn, a wedge. The pronunciation of this word, by our common people, is quine, or quoin, when applied to a wedging stone, in masonry. See the next word.]

  1. A corner; a jutting point, as of a wall. – Shak. Rustic coins, stones jutting from a wall for new buildings to be joined to. – Bailey.
  2. A wedge for raising or lowering a piece of ordnance. – Bailey.
  3. A wedge or piece of wood to lay between casks on shipboard. – Bailey.

COIN, n.2 [Sp. cuña; Port. cunho, a die to stamp money; Sp. acuñar, to coin or impress money, to wedge; Port. cunhar; It. conio, a die; coniare, to coin; Fr. coin; Ar. قَانَ kauna, to hammer, forge or stamp. The sense is, to strike, beat, or drive, coinciding with the French coigner, or cogner. Hence we see that coin, whether it signifies a corner, a wedge or a die, is from the same root, from thrusting, driving. Primarily, the die employed for stamping money. Hence,]

  1. Money stamped; a piece of metal, as gold, silver, copper, or other metal, converted into money, by impressing on it marks, figures or characters. To make good money, these impressions must be made under the authority of government. That which is stamped without authority is called false or counterfeit coin. Formerly, all coin was made by hammering; but it is now impressed by a machine or mill. Current coin is coin legally stamped and circulating in trade. Ancient coins are chiefly those of the Jews, Greeks, and Romans, which are kept in cabinets as curiosities.
  2. In Architecture, a kind of die cut diagonally, after the manner of a flight of a staircase, serving at bottom to support columns in a level, and at top to correct the inclination of an entablature supporting a vault. – Encyc.
  3. That which serves for payment. The loss of present advantage to flesh and blood is repaid in a nobler coin. – Hammond.

COIN, v.t.

  1. To stamp a metal, and convert it into money; to mint.
  2. To make; as, to coin words. – Shak.
  3. To make; to forge; to fabricate; in an ill sense; as, to coin a lie; to coin a fable. – Hudibras. Dryden.


  1. The act, art or practice of stamping money. – Arbuthnot.
  2. Coin; money coined; stamped and legitimated metal for a circulating medium.
  3. Coins of a particular stamp; as, the coinage of George III.
  4. The charges or expense of coining money.
  5. A making; new production; formation; as, the coinage of words.
  6. Invention; forgery; fabrication. This is the very coinage of your brain. – Shak.

CO-IN-CIDE', v.i. [L. con and incido, to fall on; in and cado, to fall. See Cadence, Case. Low L. coincido; Sp. coincidir; Fr. coincider.]

  1. To fall or to meet in the same point, as two lines, or bodies; followed by with. If the equator and the ecliptic had coincided, it would have rendered the annual revolution of the earth useless. – Cheyne.
  2. To concur; to be consistent with; to agree; as, the judges did not coincide in opinion. The rules of right judgment and of good ratiocination often coincide with each other. – Watts.


  1. The falling or meeting of two or more lines, surfaces, or bodies in the same point. – Bentley.
  2. Concurrence; consistency; agreement; as, the coincidence of two or more opinions; coincidence of evidences. – Hale.
  3. A meeting of events in time; concurrence; a happening at the same time; as, coincidence of events.


  1. Falling on the same point; meeting as lines, surfaces or bodies; followed by with. – Newton.
  2. Concurrent; consistent; agreeable to; followed by with. Christianity teaches nothing but what is perfectly coincident with the ruling principles of a virtuous man. – South.