Dictionary: HAB'IT-AT – HACK'LY

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Habitation; the natural place of the growth of a plant. Fleming.

HAB-IT-A'TION, n. [L. habitatio, from habito, to dwell, from habeo, to hold, or as we say in English, to keep.]

  1. Act of inhabiting; state of dwelling. Denham.
  2. Place of abode; a settled dwelling; a mansion; a house or other place in which man or any animal dwells. The stars may be the habitations of numerous races of beings. The Lord blesseth the habitation of the just. Prov. iii.

HAB'IT-A-TOR, n. [L.]

A dweller; an inhabitant. [Not used.] Brown.


  1. Clothed; dressed. He was habited like a shepherd:
  2. Accustomed. [Not usual.]

HA-BIT'U-AL, a. [Fr. habituel, from habit.]

  1. Formed or acquired by habit, frequent use or custom. Art is properly an habitual knowledge of certain rules and maxims. South.
  2. Customary; according to habit; as, the habitual practice of sin; the habitual exercise of holy affections. It is the distinguishing mark of habitual piety to be grateful for the most common blessings. Buckminster.
  3. Formed by repeated impressions; rendered permanent by continued causes; as, an habitual color of the skin. S. S. Smith.

HA-BIT'U-AL-LY, adv.

By habit; customarily; by frequent practice or use; as, habitually profane; habitually kind and benevolent.


Quality of being habitual.


  1. Inveterate by custom. Hammond.
  2. Formed by habit. Temple.

HA-BIT'U-ATE, v.t. [Fr. habituer, from habit.]

  1. To accustom; to make familiar by frequent use or practice. Men may habituate themselves to the taste of oil or tobacco. They habituate themselves to vice. Let us habituate ourselves and our children to the exercise of charity.
  2. To settle as an inhabitant in a place. Temple.


Accustomed; made familiar by use.


Accustoming; making easy and familiar by practice.


The state of being habituated. [Dwight. 1841.]

HAB'I-TUDE, n. [Fr. from L. habitudo, from habitus.]

  1. Relation; respect; state with regard to something else. [Little used.] Hale. South.
  2. Frequent intercourse; familiarity. [Not usual.] To write well, one must have frequent habitudes with the best company. Dryden
  3. Customary manner or mode of life; repetition of the same acts; as, the habitudes of fowls or insects. Goldsmith.
  4. Custom; habit. Dryden. Prior.

HAB'NAB, adv. [hap ne hap, let it happen or not.]

At random; by chance; without order or rule. Hudibras.

HAB'RO-NEME, a. [Gr. αβρος, delicate, and νημα, a thread.]

In mineralogy, having the form of fine threads.

HACK, a.

Hired. Wakefield.

HACK, n.

A notch; a cut. Shak.

HACK, n.

  1. A horse kept for hire; a horse much used in in draught, or in hard service; a worn out horse; any thing exposed to hire, or used in common.
  2. A coach or other carriage kept for hire. [from hackney; used in America.]
  3. Hesitating or faltering speech. More.
  4. A rack for feeding cattle. [Local.]

HACK, v.i.

  1. To be exposed or offered to common use for hire; to turn prostitute. Hanmer.
  2. To make an effort to raise phlegm. [See Hawk.]

HACK, v.t. [Sax. haccan; D. hakken; G. hacken; Dan. hakker; Sw. hacka; Fr. hacher, from which we have hash and hatchet, and from the same root, hatchel; Arm. haicha; W. haciaw, to hack; hag, a gash; and haggle is of the same family, as are hew and hoe. Class Cg.]

  1. To cut irregularly and into small pieces; to notch; to mangle by repeated strokes of a cutting instrument.
  2. To speak with stops or catches; to speak with hesitation. Shak.

HACK'ED, pp.

Chopped; mangled.

HACK'ING, ppr.

Chopping into small pieces; mangling; mauling.


  1. A hatchel. [The latter word is used in the United States.]
  2. Raw silk; any flimsy substance unspun. Johnson. Walton.
  3. A fly for angling, dressed with feathers or silk. Chalmers.

HACK'LE, v.t. [G. hecheln; D. hekelen. This is a dialectical variation of hatchel, hetchel.]

  1. To comb flax or hemp; to separate the coarse part of these substances from the fine, by drawing them through the teeth of a hatchel.
  2. To tear asunder. Burke.

HACK'LY, a. [from hack.]

Rough; broken as if hacked. In mineralogy, having fine, short, and sharp points on the surface; as, a hackly fracture. Cleaveland.