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HO-MOI-OP'TO-TON, n. [Gr. ομοιος, like, and πτωτος, falling.]

A figure in rhetoric in which the several parts of a sentence end with the same case or a tense of like sound.

HO-MOL'O-GATE, v.t. [It. omologare; Fr. homologuer; Gr. ομολογεω; ομος, like, and λεγω, to speak.]

To approve; to allow. Wheaton's Rep. vol. iv.

HO-MOL'O-GOUS, a. [Gr. ομος, similar, and λογος, proportion.]

Proportional to each other; a term in geometry, applied to the corresponding sides and angles of similar figures; as, homologous angles. Encyc.


A word of equivocal signification.

HOM'O-NYM, n. [Gr. ομος and ονομα.]

A word of equivocal signification, or a word which agrees in sound with another, but differs in signification, as bear, the verb, and bear, an animal.

HO-MON'Y-MOUS, a. [Gr. ομωνυμος; ομος, like, and ονομα, name.]

Equivocal; ambiguous; that has different significations, or may be applied to different things. Watts.


In an equivocal manner. Harris.

HO-MON'Y-MY, n. [Gr. ομωνυμια. See supra.]

Ambiguity; equivocation. Johnson.

HO-MO-OU'SIAN, or HO-MOI-OU'SIAN, a. [Gr. ομοουσιος, the same; ομος, similar, and ουσια, being: ομοιουσιος; ομοιος, similar, and ουσια.]

These terms were formerly used by the orthodox and Arian parties, to distinguish those who believed the Father and the Son to be of the same nature, from those who believed them to be of a similar nature. The words may be used as adjectives or nouns.. [1844 Addenda.]

HOM'O-PHONE, n. [Fr. from Gr. ομος and φωνη.]

A letter or character expressing a like sound with another. Gliddon.

HO-MOPH'O-NOUS, a. [Gr. ομος, the same, and φωνη, tone.]

Being of the same pitch; in unison; expressing the same sound or letter.

HO-MOPH'O-NY, n. [Gr. ομος, like, and φωνη, sound.]

Likeness of sound. Among the Greeks, a kind of music performed in unison, in opposition to antiphony.

HO-MOT'O-NOUS, a. [Gr. ομος, like, and τονος, tone.]

Equable; of the same tenor; applied to diseases which have a uniform tenor of rise, state, or declension. Quincy.

HO-MOT'RO-PAL, a. [Gr. ομος and τρεπω.]

Having the same direction.

HO-MOU'SIAN, a. [Gr. ομουσιος.]

Having the same essence; essential. [1841 Addenda.]

HONE, n. [Sw. hen, a hone; Sax. hænan, to stone. The word is found in the Greek ακονη; and in two dialects of the Burman empire, hin, heen, signifies a stone. Asiat. Researches, 5. 228. We find the word also in the Syriac ܐܩܢܐ akana, a hone, coticula, Lapis Lydius. Cast. Hept. 213.]

A stone of a fine grit, used for sharpening instruments that require a fine edge, and particularly for setting razors. [We never, I believe, call a hone, a whet-stone. The latter is a stone of coarse grit. See the word.]

HONE, v.i.

To pine; to long. [Obs.] [Qu. W. hawn, eager.]

HONE, v.t.

To rub and sharpen on a hone; as, to hone a razor.

HON'ED, pp.

Sharpened on a hone.

HON'EST, a. [on'est; Fr. honnête, for honeste; Sp. and Port. honesto; It. onesto; from L. honestus, from honos, honor.]

  1. Upright; just; fair in dealing with others; free from trickishness and fraud; acting and having the disposition to act at all times according to justice or correct moral principles; applied to persons. An honest man's the noblest work of God. Pope. An honest physician leaves his patient, when he can contribute no farther to his health. Temple.
  2. Fair; just; equitable; free from fraud; as, an honest transaction; an honest transfer of property.
  3. Frank; sincere; unreserved; according to truth; as, an honest confession.
  4. Sincere; proceeding from pure or just principles, or directed to a good object; as, an honest inquiry after truth; an honest endeavor; honest views or motives.
  5. Fair; good; unimpeached. Seek seven men of honest report. Acts vi.
  6. Decent; honorable, or suitable. Provide things honest in the sight of all men. Rom. xii.
  7. Chaste; faithful. Wives may be merry, and yet honest too. Shak.

HON'EST, v.t. [on'est.]

To adorn; to grace. [Not used.] Sandys.


Adornment; grace. [Not used.] Mountague.

HON'EST-LY, adv. [on'estly.]

  1. Uprightly; justly; with integrity and fairness; as, a contract honestly made.
  2. With frank sincerity; without fraud or disguise; according to truth; as, to confess honestly one's real design.
  3. By upright means; with upright conduct; as, to live honestly.
  4. Chastely; with conjugal loyalty and fidelity.

HON'ES-TY, n. [on'esty; Fr. honnêteté; L. honestas.]

  1. In principle, an upright disposition; moral rectitude of heart; a disposition to conform to justice and correct moral principles, in all social transactions. In fact, upright conduct; an actual conformity to justice and moral rectitude.
  2. Fairness; candor; truth; as, the honesty of a narrative. Wardlaw.
  3. Frank sincerity. Shak. Honesty is chiefly applicable to social transactions, or mutual dealings in the exchange of property.


A plant of the genus Sison.