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A morbid quantity of blood.

HEM-ER-O-BAP'TIST, n. [Gr. ημερα, day, and βαπτω, to wash.]

One of a sect among the Jews who bathed every day. Fulke.

HEM'I, a.

In composition, from the Gr. ημισυς, signifies half, like demi and semi.

HEM'I-CRA-NY, n. [Gr. ημισυς, half, and κρανιον, the skull.]

A pain that affects only one side of the head.

HEM'I-CY-CLE, n. [Gr. ημικυκλος.]

A half circle; more generally called a semicircle.


In Greek music, the lesser third. Busby.

HEM'I-NA, n. [L.]

  1. In Roman antiquity, a measure containing half a sextary, and according to Arbuthnot, about half a pint English wine measure. Encyc.
  2. In medicine, a measure equal to about ten ounces. Quincy.

HEM'I-PLE-GY, n. [Gr. ἡμισυς, half, and πληγη, a stroke, from πλησσω, to strike.]

A palsy that affects one half of the body; a paralytic affection on one side of the human frame. Encyc.


Half prismatic.

HE-MIP'TER, or HE-MIP'TER-A, n. [Gr. ἡμισυς, half, and πτερον, a wing.]

The hemipters form an order of insects with the upper wings usually half crustaceous and half membranaceous, and incumbent on each other as the Cimex.


Having the upper wings half crustaceous and half membranaceous.

HEM'IS-PHERE, n. [Gr. ἡμισφαιριον.]

  1. A half sphere; one half of a sphere or globe, when divided by a plane passing through its center. In astronomy, one half the mundane sphere. The equator divides the sphere into two equal parts. That on the north is called the northern hemisphere; the other, the southern. So the horizon divides the sphere into the upper and lower hemispheres. Hemisphere is also used for a map or projection of half the terrestrial or celestial sphere, and is then often called planisphere.
  2. A map or projection of half the terrestrial globe.


Containing half a sphere or globe; as, a hemispheric figure or form; a hemispherical body.


A half spherule.

HEM'IS-TICH, n. [Gr. ἡμιστιχιον.]

Half a poetic verse, or a verse not completed. Dryden. Encyc.


Pertaining to a hemistich; denoting a division of the verse. Warton.

HEM'I-TONE, n. [Gr. ἡμιτονιον.]

A half tone in music; now called a semitone.

HEM'I-TROPE, a. [Gr. ἡμισυς, half, and τροπη, a turning.]

Half-turned; a hemitrope crystal is one in which one segment is turned through half the circumference of a circle. The word is used also as a noun. – Haüy.

HEM'LOCK, n. [Sax. hemleac; the latter syllable is the same as leek. Qu. is it not a border-plant, a plant growing in hedges?]

  1. A plant of the genus Conium, whose leaves and root are poisonous.
  2. A tree of the genus Pinus, an evergreen.
  3. A poison, an infusion or decoction of the poisonous plant. Popular liberty might then have escaped the indelible reproach of decreeing to the same citizens the hemlock on one day, and statues on the next. – Federalist, Madison.

HEM'MED, pp.

Bordered; edged; folded and sewed down at the edge.

HEM'MEL, n. [Dan. hemmelig, close.]

A shed or hovel for cattle. [Local.]

HEM'MING, ppr.

Bordering; folding and sewing down at the edge of the cloth.

HE-MOP'TY-SIS, or HE-MOP-TO-E, n. [Gr. αἱμα, blood, and πτυσις, a spitting.]

A spitting of blood.

HEM'OR-RHAGE, or HEM'OR-RHA-GY, n. [Gr. αἱμορῥαγια; αἱμα, blood, and ῥηγνυω, to burst.]

A flux of blood. The ancients confined the word to a discharge of blood from the nose; but in modern use, it is applied to a flux from the nose, lungs, intestines, &c. – Encyc.


Pertaining to a flux of blood; consisting in hemorrhage.