Dictionary: GASH – GAS-TRI'TIS

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GASH, v.i.

To make a gash, or long, deep incision; applied chiefly to incisions in flesh.

GASH'ED, pp.

Cut with a long, deep incision.


Full of gashes; hideous.

GASH'ING, ppr.

Cutting long, deep incisions.

GAS-I-FI-CA'TION, n. [See Gasify.]

The act or process of converting into gas.

GAS'I-FI-ED, pp.

Converted into an aeriform fluid.

GAS'I-FY, v.t. [gas and L. facio, to make.]

To convert into gas or an aeriform fluid by combination with caloric.

GAS'I-FY-ING, ppr.

Converting into gas.

GAS'KET, n. [Sr. caxeta. See Case.]

A plaited cord fastened to the sail-yard of a ship, and used to furl or tie the sail to the yard. Mar. Dict.

GAS'KINS, n. plur.

Galligaskins; wide open hose. [See Galligaskins.] Shak.


Light produced by the combustion of carbureted hydrogen gas. Gas-lights are now substituted for oil lights, in illuminating streets and apartments in houses.

GAS'ME-TER, n. [gas and meter.]

A machine attached to gas works and to gas pipes, to show the exact quantity used. Haldeman.

GAS-OM'E-TER, n. [gas and μετρον.]

In chimistry, an instrument or apparatus, intended to measure, collect, preserve or mix different gases. Coxe. An instrument for measuring the quantity of gas employed in an experiment; also, the place where gas is prepared for lighting streets. RS Jameson.


The science, art or practice of measuring gases. It teaches also the nature and properties of these elastic fluids. Coxe.

GASP, n.

  1. The act of opening the mouth to catch the breath.
  2. The short catch of the breath in the agonies of death. Addison.

GASP, v.i. [Sw. gispa, Dan. gisper, to gape, to yawn.]

  1. To open the mouth wide in catching the breath or in laborious respiration, particularly in dying. Addison.
  2. To long for. [Not in use.]

GASP, v.t.

To emit breath by opening wide the mouth. And with short sobs he gasps sway his breath. Dryden.

GASP'ED, pp. [of Gasp.]

GASP'ING, ppr.

Opening the mouth wide for catching the breath.

GAST, or GAST'ER, v.t.

To make aghast; to frighten. [Not used.] Shak.


Amazement; fight. [Not used.] Shak.

GAS'TRIC, a. [from Gr. γαστηρ, the belly or stomach.]

Belonging to the belly, or rather to the stomach. The gastric juice is a thin, pellucid liquor, separated by the capillary exhaling arteries of the stomach, which open upon its internal tunic. It is the principal agent in digestion. Hooper.

GAS-TRIL'O-QUIST, n. [Gr. γαστηρ, belly, and L. loquor, to speak.]

Literally, one who speaks from his belly or stomach; hence, one who so modifies his voice that it seems to come from another person or place. Reid.


A speaking that appears to proceed from the belly.


Chronic inflammation of the stomach.