Dictionary: SALV'A-TO-RY – SAM'PLER

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SALV'A-TO-RY, n. [Fr. salvatoire.]

A place where things are preserved; a repository. – Hale.

SALVE, n. [l mute. Sax. sealfe; from L. salvus.]

  1. An adhesive composition or substance to be applied to wounds or sores; when spread on leather or cloth, it is called a plaster.
  2. Help; remedy. – Hammond.

SALVE, v.t. [l mute.]

  1. To heal by applications or medicaments. [Little used.] – Spenser. Hooker.
  2. To help; to remedy. [Little used.] – Sidney.
  3. To help or remedy by a salvo, excuse or reservation. [Little used.] – Hooker. Bacon.
  4. To salute. [Not in use.] – Spenser.


A piece of plate with a foot; or a plate on which any thing is presented. – Addison. Pope.

SAL-VIF'IC, a. [L. salvus and facio.]

Tending to save or secure safety. [A bad word and not used.] – Ch. Relig. Appeal.

SAL'VO, n. [from the L. salvo jure, an expression used in reserving rights.]

An exception; reservation; an excuse. They admit many salvos, cautions and reservations. – K. Charles.

SALVO-PUDORE, [Salvo pudore; L.]

Without offending modesty.


One who saves a ship or goods at sea. – Wheaton's Rep.

SALVO-SENSU, [Salvo-sensu; L.]

Preserving the sense.


  1. Pertaining to Samaria, the principal city of the ten tribes of Israel, belonging to the tribe of Ephraim, and after the captivity of those tribes, repeopled by Cuthites from Assyria or Chaldea.
  2. Denoting the ancient characters and alphabet used by the Hebrews.


  1. An inhabitant of Samaria, or one that belonged to the sect which derived their appellation from that city. The Jews had no dealings with the Samaritans.
  2. The language of Samaria, a dialect of the Chaldean.

SAM'BO, n.

The offspring of a black person and a mulatto. – Edwards' W. Indies.

SAME, a. [Sax. same; Goth. sama, samo; Dan. samme, same, and sammen, together; Sw. samme, same; Dan. samler, forsamler, to collect, to assemble; Sw. samla, försmala, id.; D. zaam, zamen, together; zamelen, to assemble; G. sammeln, id.; Sax. samod; L. simul, together; Sax. samnian, semnian, to assemble, to sum; W. sum, sum, amplitude; swm, the state of being together; swmer, that supports or keeps together, a beam, Eng. summer, in building. We observe that the Greek ἁμα agrees in signification with the L. simul, and Sax. samod, Sans. sam, together. Shall we suppose then that s has passed into an aspirate in this word, as in salt, Gr. ἁλς, or has the Greek word lost s? The word same may be the L. idem or dem, dialectically varied. The primary sense is to set, to place, to put together. See Ar. ضَمَّ dhamma, to draw together, to set together, to join, to collect. Class Sm, No. 33, and see No. 43, 44.]

  1. Identical; not different or other. Thou art the same, and thy years shall have no end. Ps. cii. The Lord Jesus, the same night in which he was betrayed, took bread. – 1 Cor. xi.
  2. Of the identical kind or species, though not the specific thing. We say, the horse of one country is the same animal as the horse of another country. The same plants and fruits are produced in the same latitudes. We see in men in all countries, the same passions and the same vices. Th' ethereal vigor is in all the same. – Dryden.
  3. That was mentioned before. Do but think how well the same he spends, / Who spends his blood his country to relieve. – Daniel.
  4. Equal; exactly similar. One ship will not run the same distance as another in the same time, and with the same wind. Two balls of the same size have not always the same weight. Two instruments will not always make the same sound.

SAME, adv. [Sax. sam.]

Together. [Obs.] – Spenser.


  1. Identity; the state of being not different or other; as, the sameness of an unchangeable being.
  2. Near resemblance; correspondence; similarity; as a sameness of manner; a sameness of sound; the sameness of objects in a landscape.

SAMIAN-EARTH, n. [Samian earth; Gr. Samos, the isle.]

The name of a marl of two species, used in medicine as an astringent.

SA'MI-EL, or SI-MOOM', n. [Ar. سموم, samom. The Ar. سَهَمَ sahama, signifies to be thin, or to become thin or pale, and to suffer the heat of the simoom, and سَمَّ samma, signifies to poison. This word signifies probably that which is deleterious or destructive.]

A hot and destructive wind that sometimes blows in Arabia.

SAM'ITE, n. [Old Fr.]

A species of silk stuff. [Obs.] – Chaucer.


A little salmon. – Walton.

SAMP, n.

A species of food composed of maiz broken or bruised, boiled and mixed with milk; a dish borrowed from the natives of America, but not much used. – New England.


A kind of vessel used by the Chinese. – Mar. Dict.

SAM'PHIRE, n. [said to be a corruption of Saint Pierre.]

A plant of the genus Crithmum. The golden samphire is of the genus Inula. – Fam. of Plants. Samphire grows on rocks near the sea shore, where it is washed by the salt water. It is used for pickling. Miller. In the United States, this name is applied to Salicornia herbacea, which is called glass-wort in England.

SAM'PLE, n. [L. exemplum; Sp. and Port. exemplo; It. esempio; Fr. exemple; Arm. eçzempl; Ir. somplar, samhlachas, from samhail, similar.]

  1. A specimen; a part of any thing presented for inspection or intended to be shown, as evidence of the quality of the whole; as, a sample of cloth or of wheat. Goods are often purchased in market by samples. I design this as a sample of what I hope more fully to discuss. – Woodward.
  2. Example; instance. – Addison.

SAM'PLE, v.t.

To show something similar. – Ainsworth.

SAM'PLER, n. [L. exemplar, supra.]

A pattern of work; a specimen; particularly, a piece of needle-work by young girls for improvement. – Shak. Pope.