Dictionary: SUB'URB, or SUB'URBS – SUC-CEN'TOR

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SUB'URB, or SUB'URBS, n. [L. suburbium; sub and urbs, a city.]

  1. A building without the walls of a city, but near them; or more generally, the parts that lie without the walls, but in the vicinity of a city. The word may signify buildings, streets or territory. We say, a house stands in the suburbs; a garden is situated in the suburbs of London or Paris.
  2. The confines; the out part. The suburb of their straw-built citadel. – Milton.

SUB-URB'AN, or SUB-URB'I-AL, a. [L. suburbanus. See Suburbs.]

Inhabiting or being in the suburbs of a city.


Bordering on a suburb; having a suburb on its out part. – Carew.

SUB-URB-I-CA'RI-AN, or SUB-URB'I-CA-RY, a. [Low L. suburbicarius.]

Being in the suburbs; an epithet applied to the provinces of Italy which composed the ancient diocese of Rome. – Barrow.

SUB-VA-RI'E-TY, n. [sub and variety.]

A subordinate variety, or division of a variety. – Mineralogy.

SUB-VEN-TA'NE-OUS, a. [L. subventaneus; sub and ventus.]

Addle; windy. [A bad word and not in use.] – Brown.

SUB-VEN'TION, n. [L. subvenio.]

  1. The act of coming under.
  2. The act of coming to relief; support; aid. [Little used.] – Spenser.

SUB-VERSE, v.t. [subvers'.]

To subvert. [Not in use.] – Spenser.

SUB-VER'SION, n. [Fr. from L. subversio. See Subvert.]

Entire overthrow; an overthrow of the foundation; utter ruin; as, the subversion of a government or state; the subversion of despotic power; the subversion of the constitution or laws; the subversion of an empire.


Tending to subvert; having a tendency to overthrow and ruin. Every immorality is subversive of private happiness. Public corruption of morals is subversive of public happiness.

SUB-VERT', v.t. [L. subverto; sub and verto, to turn; Fr. and Sp. subvertir; It. sovvertere.]

  1. To overthrow from the foundation; to overturn; to ruin utterly. The northern nations of Europe subverted the Roman empire. He is the worst enemy of man, who endeavors to subvert the Christian religion. The elevation of corrupt men to office will slowly, but surely, subvert a republican government. This would subvert the principles of all knowledge. – Locke.
  2. To corrupt; to confound; to pervert the mind, and turn it from the truth. – 2 Tim. ii.


Overthrown; overturned; entirely destroyed.


One who subverts; an overthrower.


That may be subverted.


Overthrowing; entirely destroying.

SUB-WORK'ER, n. [sub and worker.]

A subordinate worker or helper. – South.

SUC-CE-DA'NE-OUS, a. [L. succedaneus; sub and cedo.]

Supplying the place of something else; being or employed as a substitute. – Boyle.

SUC-CE-DA'NE-UM, n. [supra.]

That which is used for something else; a substitute. – Warburton.

SUC-CEED', v.i.

  1. To follow in order. Not another comfort like to this, / Succeeds in unknown fate. – Shak.
  2. To come in the place of one that has died or quitted the place, or of that which has preceded. Day succeeds to night, and night to day. Enjoy till I return / Short pleasures; for long woes are to succeed. – Milton. Revenge succeeds to love, and rage to grief. – Dryden.
  3. To obtain the object desired; to accomplish what is attempted or intended; to have a prosperous termination. The enemy attempted to take the fort by storm, but did not succeed. The assault was violent, but the attempt did not succeed. It is almost impossible for poets to succeed without ambition. – Dryden.
  4. To terminate with advantage; to have a good effect. Spenser endeavored imitation in the Shepherd's Kalendar; but neither will it succeed in English. – Dryden.
  5. To go under cover. Or will you to the cooler cave succeed? – Dryden. [Not much used.]

SUC-CEED', or SUC-CEDE', v.t. [The latter is the more analogical spelling, as in concede, recede. Fr. succeder; It. succedere; Sp. suceder; L. succedo; sub and cedo, to give way, to pass.]

  1. To follow in order; to take the place which another has left; as, the king's eldest son succeeds his father on the throne. John Adams succeeded General Washington in the presidency of the United States. Lewis XVIII. of France has lately deceased, and is succeeded by his brother Charles X.
  2. To follow; to come after; to be subsequent or consequent. Those destructive effects succeeded the curse. – Brown.
  3. To prosper; to make successful. Succeed my wish, and second may design. – Dryden.


Followed in order; prospered; attended with success.


One that follows or comes in the place of another; a successor. [But the latter word is generally used.]


The act or state of prospering or having success. There is a good prospect of his succeeding.


  1. Following in order; subsequent; coming after; as, in all succeeding ages. He attended to the business in every succeeding stage of its progress.
  2. Taking the place of another who has quitted the place, or is dead; as, a son succeeding his father; officer succeeding his predecessor.
  3. Giving success; prospering.


A person who sings the base in a concert.