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IN-UR-BAN'ITY, n. [in and urbanity.]

Incivility; rude; unpolished manners or deportment; want of courteousness. Bp. Hall.

IN-URE', v.i.

To pass in use; to take or have effect; to be applied; to serve to the use or benefit of; as, a gift of lands inures to the heirs of the grantee, or it inures to their benefit.

IN-URE', v.t. [in and ure. Ure signifies use, practice, in old English, and Norman French. In Chaucer, it seems to bear rather the signification of luck or fortune. In Scottish, it is used in both senses. See Ure.]

To habituate; to accustom; to apply or expose in use or practice till use gives little or no pain or inconvenience, or makes little impression. Thus a man inures his body to labor and toil, till he sustains that which would destroy a body unaccustomed to it. So we inure ourselves to cold or heat. Warriors are inured to blood, and seamen are inured to hardships and deprivations.

IN-UR'ED, pp.

Accustomed; hardened by use.


Use; practice; habit; custom; frequency. Johnson. Wotton.

IN-UR'ING, ppr.

  1. Habituating; accustoming.
  2. Passing in use to the benefit of.

IN-URN', v.t. [in and urn.]

  1. To bury; to inter; to intomb. The sepulcher / Wherein we saw thee quietly inurned. Shak.
  2. To put in an urn.

IN-URN'ED, pp.

Deposited in a tomb.

IN-URN'ING, ppr.

Interring; burying.


Neglect of use; disuse. [Little used.] Paley.

IN-US'TION, n. [L. inustio, inuro; in and uro, to burn.]

  1. The action of burning.
  2. A branding; the action of marking by burning.

IN-U'TILE, a. [Fr. from L. inutilis.]

Unprofitable; useless. [Not in use.] Bacon.

IN-U-TIL'I-TY, n. [Fr. inutilité; L. inutilitas; in and utilitas. See Utility.]

Uselessness; the quality of being unprofitable; unprofitableness; as, the inutility of vain speculations and visionary projects.


That can not be uttered. Milton.

IN-VADE', v.t. [L. invado; in and vado, to go.]

  1. To enter a country, as an army with hostile intentions; to enter as an enemy, with a view to conquest or plunder; to attack. The French armies invaded Holland in 1795. They invaded Russia and perished.
  2. To attack; to assail; to assault. There shall be seditions among men and invading one another. 2 Esdras.
  3. To attack; to infringe; to encroach on; to violate. The king invaded the rights and privileges of the people, and the people invaded the prerogatives of the king.
  4. To go into; a Latinism. [Not used.] Spenser.
  5. To fall on; to attack; to seize; as a disease.

IN-VAD'ED, pp.

Entered by an army with a hostile design; attacked; assaulted; infringed; violated.


  1. One who enters the territory of another with a view to war, conquest or plunder. Bacon. Swift.
  2. An assailant.
  3. An encroacher; an intruder; one who infringes the rights of another. Hammond.

IN-VAD'ING, ppr.

Entering on the possessions of another with a view to war, conquest or plunder; assaulting; infringing; attacking.

IN-VA-LES'CENCE, n. [L. invalesco.]

Strength; health. Dict.


Wanting health.

IN-VALID, a. [L. invalidus; in and validus, strong, from valeo, to be strong, to avail.]

  1. Weak; of no force, weight or cogency. Milton.
  2. In law, having no force, effect or efficacy; void; null; as, an invalid contract or agreement.

IN'VA-L'ID, n. [Fr. invalide; L. invalidus, supra.]

  1. A person who is weak and infirm; a person sickly or indisposed.
  2. A person who is infirm, wounded, maimed, or otherwise disabled for active service; a soldier or seaman worn out in service. The hospitals for invalids at Chelsea and Greenwich, in England, are institutions honorable to the English nation.

IN-VAL'ID-ATE, v.t. [from invalid; Fr. invalider.]

  1. To weaken or lessen the force of; more generally, to destroy the strength or validity of; to render of no force or effect; as, to invalidate an agreement or a contract.
  2. To overthrow; to prove to be of no force; as to invalidate an argument.


Rendered invalid or of no force.