a | b | c | d | e | f | g | h | i | j | k | l | m | n | o | p | q | r | s | t | u | v | w | x | y | z |



One who is to be examined. [Not legitimate.] Prideaux.


The person examined. Bacon.

EX-AM-IN-A'TION, n. [L. examinatio. See Examen.]

  1. The act of examining; a careful search or inquiry, with a view to discover truth or the real state of things; careful and accurate inspection of a thing and its parts; as, an examination of a house or a ship.
  2. Mental inquiry; disquisition; careful consideration of the circumstances or facts which relate to a subject or question; a view of qualities and relations, and an estimate of their nature and importance.
  3. Trial by a rule or law.
  4. In judicial proceedings, a careful inquiry into facts by testimony; an attempt to ascertain truth by inquiries and interrogatories; as, the examination of a witness or the merits of a cause.
  5. In seminaries of learning, an inquiry into the acquisitions of the students, by questioning them in literature and the sciences, and by hearing their recitals.
  6. In chimistry and other sciences, a searching for the nature and qualities of substances, by experiments; the practice or application of the docimastic art.


An examiner. [Not used.] Brown.

EX-AM'INE, v.t. [egzam'in; L. examino, from examen.]

  1. To inspect carefully, with a view to discover truth or the real state of a thing; as, to examine a ship to know whether she is sea-worthy, or a house to know whether repairs are wanted.
  2. To search or inquire into facts and circumstances by interrogating; as, to examine a witness.
  3. To look into the state of a subject; to view in all its aspects; to weigh arguments and compare facts, with a view to form a correct opinion or judgment. Let us examine this proposition; let us examine this subject in all its relations and bearings; let us examine into the state of this question.
  4. To inquire into the improvements or qualifications of students, by interrogatories, proposing problems, or by hearing their recitals; as, to examine the classes in college; to examine the candidates for a degree, or for a license to preach or to practice in a profession.
  5. To try or assay by experiments; as, to examine minerals.
  6. To try by a rule or law. Examine yourselves whether ye are in the faith. 2 Cor. xiii.
  7. In general, to search; to scrutinize; to explore, with a view to discover truth; as, to examine ourselves; to examine the extent of human knowledge.

EX-AM'IN-ED, pp.

Inquired into; searched; inspected; interrogated; tried by experiment.


  1. One who examines, tries or inspects; one who interrogates a witness or an offender.
  2. In chancery, in Great Britain, the Examiners are two officers of that court, who examine, on oath, the witnesses for the parties. Encyc.


Having power to examine; appointed to examine; as, an examining committee.

EX-AM'IN-ING, ppr.

Inspecting carefully; searching or inquiring into; interrogating; trying or assaying by experiment.

EX'AM-PLA-RY, a. [from example.]

Serving for example or pattern; proposed for imitation. Hooker. [It is now written exemplary.]

EX-AM'PLE, n. [egzam'pl; L. exemplum; Fr. exemple; It. esempio; Sp. exemplo. Qu. from ex and the root of similis, Gr. ὁμαλος.]

  1. A pattern; a copy; a model; that which is proposed to be imitated. This word, when applied to material things, is now generally written sample; as, a sample of cloth; but example is sometimes used. Ralegh.
  2. A pattern, in morals or manners; a copy, or model; that which is proposed or is proper to be imitated. I have given you an example, that you should do as I have done to you. John xiii. Example is our preceptor before we can reason. Kollock.
  3. Precedent; a former instance. Buonaparte furnished many examples of successful bravery.
  4. Precedent or former instance, in a bad sense, intended for caution. Lest any man fall after the same example of unbelief. Heb. iv. Sodom and Gomorrah – are set forth for an example, suffering the vengeance of eternal fire. Jude 7.
  5. A person fit to be proposed for a pattern; one whose conduct is worthy of imitation. Be thou an example of the believers. 1 Tim. iv.
  6. Precedent which disposes to imitation. Example has more effect than precept.
  7. Instance serving for illustration of a rule or precept; or a particular case or proposition illustrating a general rule, position or truth. The principles of trigonometry and the rules of grammar are illustrated by examples.
  8. In logic, or rhetoric, the conclusion of one singular point from another; an induction of what may happen from what has happened. If civil war has produced calamities of a particular kind in one instance, it is inferred that it will produce like consequences in other cases. This is an example. Bailey. Encyc.

EX-AM'PLE, v.t.

To exemplify; to set an example. [Not used.] Shak.


Having no example. [Not used.] B. Jonson.


A pattern; now sample or sampler.


Having no blood. [Not used. See Exeanguious.]


Having no corners.

EX-AN'I-MATE, a. [egzan'imate; L. exanimatus, exanimo; ex and anima, life.]

Lifeless; spiritless; disheartened; depressed in spirits. Thomson.

EX-AN'I-MATE, v.t.

To dishearten; to discourage. Coles.






Deprivation of life or of spirits. [Little used.]

EX-ANIMO, adv. [L.]


EX-AN'I-MOUS, a. [L. exanimis; ex and anima, life.]

Lifeless; dead. [Little used.]

EX-AN-THE'MA, n. [plur. exanthem'ata. Gr. from εξανθεω, to blossom; εξ and ανθος, a flower.]

Among physicians, eruption; a breaking out; pustules, petechiæ, or vibices; any efflorescence on the skin, as in measles, small pox, scarlatina, &c. This term is now limited by systematic nosologists, to such eruptions as are accompanied with fever. Good.


Eruptive; efflorescent; noting morbid redness of the skin. The measles is an exanthematous disease. [Tooke uses exanthematic.]