Dictionary: EN-TOM'IC – EN-TREAT'

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Relating to insects.

EN'TO-MOID, a. [Gr. εντομα and ειδος.]

Like an insect.

EN'TO-MO-LITE, n. [Gr. εντομα, insect, and λιθος, stone.]

A petrified insect. Ed. Encyc.


Pertaining to the science of insects.


One versed in the science of insects.

EN-TO-MOL'O-GY, n. [Gr. εντομα, insect, from τεμνω, to cut, and λογος, discourse.]

That part of zoology which treats of insects; the science or history and description of insects.

EN-TO-MOS-TO'MA-TA, n. [Gr. εντομος and στομα.]

In zoology, a family of Mollusca, nearly corresponding with the genus Buccinum of Linneaus.


An aquatic animal belonging to the second division of the crustacea; they are nearly all parasitical.

EN-TON'IC, a. [Gr. εν and τονος.]

Relating to phlogistic diathesis, or a morbid increase of vital power and strength of action in the circulating system.

EN-TOR-TI-LA'TION, n. [Fr. entortillement.]

A turning into a circle. Donne.

EN-TO-ZO'ON, n. [plur. Entazoa; Gr. εντος and ζωον.]

An intestinal worm; an animal living in some parts of another animal, as in the eye, or the flesh.

EN'TRAIL, or EN'TRAILS, n. [Fr. entrailles; Arm. entrailhou; Gr. εντερα. See Enter.]

  1. The internal parts of animal bodies; the bowels; used chiefly in the plural.
  2. The internal parts; as, the entrails of the earth. The dark entrails of America. Locke.

EN-TRAIL, v.t. [It. intralciare; Fr. treillis, treillisser.]

To interweave; to diversify. [Not in use.] Spenser.


To trammel, to entangle. Hacket.

EN-TRAM'MEL-ED, a. [from trammel.]

Curled; frized.


Trammeling, confining.

EN'TRANCE, n. [L. intrans, intro; or from Fr. entrant. See Enter.]

  1. The act of entering into a place; as, the entrance of a person into a house or an apartment.
  2. The power of entering. Let the porter give no entrance to strangers. Where diligence opens the door of the understanding, and impartiality keeps it, truth is sure to find an entrance and a welcome too. South.
  3. The door, gate, passage or avenue, by which a place may be entered. They said, show us the entrance into the city. Judges i.
  4. Commencement; initiation; beginning; as, a youth at his entrance on a difficult science, is apt to be discouraged.
  5. The act of taking possession, as of land; as, the entrance of an heir or a disseizor into lands and tenements.
  6. The act of taking possession, as of an office. Magistrates at their entrance into office, usually take an oath.
  7. The act of entering a ship or goods at the custom-house.
  8. The beginning of any thing. St. Augustine, in the entrance of one of his discourses, makes a kind of apology. Hakewill.

EN-TRANCE', v.t. [or i. from transe, Fr. transe; Arm. treand. Qu. L. transeo. The Armoric is from trè, across, and antren, to enter, or It. andare, to go.]

  1. To put in a trance; to withdraw the soul, and leave the body in a kind of dead sleep or insensibility; to make insensible to present objects. The verb is seldom used, but the participle, entranced, is common.
  2. To put in an ecstasy; to ravish the soul with delight or wonder. And I so ravish'd with her heavenly note, / I stood entranced, and had no room for thought. Dryden.


Put in a trance; having the soul withdrawn, and the body left in a state of insensibility; enraptured; ravished.


Carrying away the soul; enrapturing; ravishing.

EN-TRAP', v.t. [Fr. attraper; It. attrappare. See Trap.]

To catch as in a trap; to insnare; used chiefly or wholly in a figurative sense. To catch by artifices; to involve in difficulties or distresses; to entangle; to catch or involve in contradictions; in short, to involve in any difficulties from which an escape is not easy or possible. We are entrapped by the devices of evil men. We are sometimes entrapped in our own words.


Insnared; entangled.


Insnaring; involving in difficulties.

EN-TREAT', v.i.

  1. To make an earnest petition or request. The Janizaries entreated for them, as valiant men. Knowles.
  2. To offer a treaty. [Not used.] Maccabees.
  3. To treat; to discourse. [Not used.] Hakewill.

EN-TREAT', v.t. [Fr. en and traiter, It. trattare, Sp. and Port. tratar, from L. tracto, to handle, feel, treat, use, manage.]

  1. To ask earnestly; to beseech; to petition or pray with urgency; to supplicate; to solicit pressingly; to importune. Isaac entreated Jehovah for his wife. Gen. xxv
  2. To prevail on by prayer or solicitation. Hence in the passive form, to be prevailed on; to yield to entreaty. It were a fruitless attempt to appease a power, whom no prayers could entreat. Rogers.
  3. To treat, in any manner; properly, to use or manage; but I believe, entreat is always applied to persons, as treat is to persons or things. Applied to persons, to entreat is to use, or to deal with; to manifest to others any particular deportment, good or ill. I will cause the enemy to entreat thee well. Jer. xv. The Egyptians evil-entreated us. Deut. xxvi. [In this application, the prefix en is now dropped, and treat is used.]
  4. To entertain; to amuse. [Obs.] Shak.
  5. To entertain; to receive. [Obs.] Spenser.