a | b | c | d | e | f | g | h | i | j | k | l | m | n | o | p | q | r | s | t | u | v | w | x | y | z |



  1. Filled with enthusiasm, or the conceit of special intercourse with God or revelations from him.
  2. Highly excited; warm and ardent; zealous in pursuit of an object; heated to animation. Our author was an enthusiastic lover of poetry and admirer of Homer.
  3. Elevated; warm; tinctured with enthusiasm. The speaker addressed the audience in enthusiastic strains.


With enthusiasm.


Pertaining to an enthymeme; including an enthymeme. Encyc.

EN'THY-MEME, n. [Gr. ενθυμημα, from ενθυμεομαι, to think or conceive; εν and θυμος, mind.]

In rhetoric, an argument consisting of only two propositions, an antecedent and a consequent deduced from it; as, we are dependent, therefore we should be humble. Here the major proposition is suppressed: the complete syllogism would be, dependent creatures should be humble; we are dependent creatures; therefore we should be humble.

EN-TICE', v.t. [This word seems to be the Sp. atizar, Port. atiçar, Fr. attiser, Arm. attisa, from Sp. tizon, It. tizzone, Fr. tison, L. titio, a firebrand. The sense, in these languages, is to lay the firebrands together, or to stir the fire; to provoke; to incense. The sense in English is a little varied. If it is not the same word, I know not its origin.]

  1. To incite or instigate, by exciting hope or desire; usually in a bad sense; as, to entice one to evil. Hence, to seduce; to lead astray; to induce to sin, by promises or persuasions. My son, if sinners entice thee, consent thou not. Prov. i.
  2. To tempt; to incite; to urge or lead astray. Every man is tempted, when he is drawn away by his own lust, and enticed. James i.
  3. To incite; to allure; in a good sense. Enfield.

EN-TIC'ED, pp.

Incited; instigated to evil; seduced by promises or persuasions; persuaded; allured.


  1. The act or practice of inciting to evil; instigation; as, the enticements of evil companions.
  2. Means of inciting to evil; that which seduces by exciting the passions. Flattery often operates as an enticement to sin.
  3. Allurement.


One who entices; one who incites or instigates to evil; one who seduces.

EN-TIC'ING, ppr.

  1. Inciting to evil; urging to sin by motives, flattery or persuasion; alluring.
  2. adj. Having the qualities that entice or allure.


Charmingly; in a winning manner. She sings most enticingly. Addison.

EN-TIRE', a. [Fr. entier; Sp. entero; Port. inteiro; It. intero; Arm. anterin; L. integer, said to be in neg. and tango, to touch. Qu.]

  1. Whole; undivided; unbroken; complete in its parts.
  2. Whole; complete; not participated with others. The man has the entire control of the business.
  3. Full; complete; comprising all requisites in itself. An action is entire, when it is complete in all its parts. Spectator.
  4. Sincere; hearty. He run a course more entire with the king of Arragon. Bacon.
  5. Firm; solid; sure; fixed; complete; undisputed. Entire and sure the monarch's rule must prove, / Who founds her greatness on her subjects' love. Prior.
  6. Unmingled; unalloyed. In thy presence joy entire. Milton.
  7. Wholly devoted; firmly adherent; faithful. No man had a heart more entire to the king. Clarendon.
  8. In full strength; unbroken. Spenser.
  9. In botany, an entire stem is one without branches; an entire leaf is without any opening in the edge, not divided. Martyn.

EN-TIRE'LY, adv.

  1. Wholly; completely; fully; as, the money is entirely lost.
  2. In the whole; without division. Euphrates – falls not entirely into the Persian sea. Ralegh.
  3. With firm adherence or devotion; faithfully. Spenser.


  1. Completeness; fullness; totality; unbroken form or state; as, the entireness of an arch or a bridge.
  2. Integrity; wholeness of heart; honesty.


  1. Wholeness; completeness; as, entirely of interest. Blackstone.
  2. The whole. Bacon.

EN'TI-TA-TIVE, a. [from entity.]

Considered by itself. [This word, and entitatively, rarely or never used.]

EN-TI'TLE, v.t. [Fr. intituler; Sp. intitular; It. intitolare; from L. titulus, a title.]

  1. To give a title to; to give or prefix a name or appellation; as, to entitle a book, Commentaries on the Laws of England.
  2. To superscribe or prefix as a title. Hence as titles are evidences of claim or property, to give a claim to; to give a right to demand or receive. The labor of the servant entitles him to his wages. Milton is entitled to fame. Our best services do not entitle us to heaven.
  3. To assign or appropriate by giving a title.
  4. To qualify; to give a claim by the possession of suitable qualifications; as, an officer's talents entitle him to command.
  5. To dignify by a title or honorable appellation. In this sense, title is often used.
  6. To ascribe. [Obs.] Burnet.


Dignified or distinguished by a title; having a claim; as, every good man is entitled to respect.


Dignifying or distinguishing by a title; giving a title; giving a claim.

EN'TI-TY, n. [Low L. entitas; Fr. entité; Sp. entidad; It. entità; from ens, esse, to be.]

  1. Being; existence. Fortune is no real entity. Bentley.
  2. A real being, or species of being.

EN-TOIL', v.t. [See Toil.]

To take with toils; to insnare; to entangle. Bacon.

EN-TO-MA-TOG'RA-PHY, n. [Gr. εντομα, an insect, and γραφη, a writing.]

A discourse or treatise on the structure and habits of insects. [Superseded by Entomology.]

EN-TOMB', v.t. [entoom'. from tomb.]

  1. To deposit in a tomb, as a dead body. Hooker.
  2. To bury in a grave; to inter.

EN-TOMB'-ED, pp.

Deposited in a tomb; buried; interred.


Depositing in a tomb; burying; interring.


Burial. Barrow.