Dictionary: EF'FI-GY – EF-FUL'GENCE

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EF'FI-GY, n. [L. effigies, from effingo, to fashion; ex and fingo, to form or devise; Sp. It. and Fr. effigie. See Feign.]

  1. The image or likeness of a person; resemblance; representation; any substance fashioned into the shape of a person.
  2. Portrait; likeness; figure, in sculpture or painting.
  3. On coins, the print or impression representing the head of the prince who struck the coin. To burn or hang in effigy, is to burn or hang an image or picture of the person intended to be executed, disgraced or degraded. In France, when a criminal can not be apprehended, his picture is hung on a gallows or gibbet, at the bottom of which is written his sentence of condemnation. Encyc.

EF-FLAG'I-TATE, v.t. [L. efflagito.]

To demand earnestly. [Not used.]

EF-FLATE, v.t. [L. efflo.]

To fill with breath or air. [Little used.]

EF-FLO-RESCE, v.t. [efflores'; L. effloresco, from floresco, floreo, to blossom, flos, a flower. See Flower.]

  1. In chimistry, to form a mealy powder on the surface; to become pulverulent or dusty on the surface. Substances effloresce by losing their water of crystalization. Those salts whose crystals effloresce, belong to the class which is most soluble, and crystalizes by cooling. Fourcroy.
  2. To form saline vegetation on the surface; or rather to shoot out minute spicular crystals; as, the efflorescence of salts on plaster.


  1. In botany, the time of flowering; the season when a plant shows its first blossoms. Martyn.
  2. Among physicians, a redness of the skin; eruptions; as in rash, measles, small pox, scarlatina, &c.
  3. In chimistry, the formation of small white threads, resembling the sublimated matter called flowers, on the surface of certain bodies, as salts. This is properly a shooting out of minute spicular crystals, called sometimes a saline vegetation, as that of the sulphate of magnesia on the deserts of Siberia, and of natron in Egypt. In butter much salted, the salt shoots in spicula, and an efflorescence is often seen on walls formed with plaster. In some species of salts, as in sulphate and carbonate of soda, the efflorescence consists of a fine white dust. This kind of efflorescence is the contrary of deliquescence. In the latter, the saline crystals decompose the air, or rather abstract moisture from it; in the former, the atmosphere decomposes the saline crystals, and the water of crystalization is abstracted from the salts. Fourcroy. Encyc. Dict. Nat. Hist.


Shooting into white threads or spiculæ; forming a white dust on the surface. Fourcroy.

EF'FLU-ENCE, n. [L. effluens, effluo; ex and fluo, to flow. See Flow.]

A flowing out; that which flows or issues from any body or substance. Bright effluence of bright essence increate. Milton.

EF-FLU'VI-UM, n. [plur. Effluvia. L. from effluo, to flow out. See Flow.]

The minute and often invisible particles which exhale from most if not all terrestrial bodies, such as the odor or smell of plants, and the noxious exhalations from diseased bodies or putrefying animal or vegetable substances.

EF'FLUX, n. [L. effluxus, from effluo, to flow out.]

  1. The act of flowing out, or issuing in a stream; as, an efflux of matter from an ulcer. Harvey.
  2. Effusion; flow; as, the first efflux of men's piety. Hammond.
  3. That which flows out; emanation. Light – efflux divine. Thomson.

EF-FLUX', v.i.

To run or flow away. [Not used.] Boyle.

EF-FLUX'ION, n. [L. effluxum, from effluo.]

  1. The act of flowing out. Brown.
  2. That which flows out; effluvium; emanation. Bacon.


Digging; accustomed to dig.

EF-FORCE', v.t. [Fr. efforcer, from force.]

  1. To force; to break through by violence. Spenser.
  2. To force; to ravish. Spenser.
  3. To strain; to exert with effort. Spenser. [This word is now rarely used; perhaps never, except in poetry. We now use force.]

EF-FORM', v.t. [from form.]

To fashion; to shape. Taylor. [For this we now use form.]


The act of giving shape or form. Ray. [We now use formation.]

EF'FORT, n. [Fr. effort; It. sforzo; from fort, strong, L. fortis. See Force.]

A straining; an exertion of strength; endeavor; strenuous exertion to accomplish an object; applicable to physical or intellectual power. The army, by great efforts, scaled the walls. Distinction in science is gained by continued efforts of the mind.


Making no effort.

EF-FOS'SION, n. [L. effossus, from effodio, to dig out.]

The act of digging out of the earth; as, the effossion of coins. Arbuthnot.


To invest with franchises or privileges. DeTocqueville.

EF-FRAY, v.t. [Fr. effrayer.]

To frighten. [Not in use.] Spenser.


Frightful; dreadful. [Not in use.] Harvey.

EF-FRE-NA'TION, n. [L. effrænatio, from frænum, a rein.]

Unbridled rashness or license; unruliness. [Not in use.]

EF-FRONT'ER-Y, n. [Fr. effronterie, from front.]

Impudence; assurance; shameless boldness; sauciness; boldness transgressing the bounds of modesty and decorum. Effrontery is a sure mark of ill-breeding.

EF-FULGE, v.i. [effulj'; L. effulgeo; ex and fulgeo, to shine.]

To send forth a flood of light; to shine with splendor.


A flood of light; great luster or brightness; splendor; as, the effulgence of divine glory. It is a word of superlative signification, and applied, with peculiar propriety, to the sun and to the Supreme Being.