Dictionary: EN-WOMB'ED – E-PHEM'ER-IS

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Impregnated; buried in a deep gulf or cavern.

EN-WRAP', v.t. [enrap'.]

To envelop. [See Inwrap.]


A covering; a wrapping or wrapper.


E'O-CENE, a. [Gr. εως, aurora.]

In geology, dawning in recency; a term given to early tertiary deposits. Mantell.

E-O'LI-AN, or E-OL'IC, a.

Pertaining to Æolia or Æolis, in Asia Minor, inhabited by Greeks. The Eolic dialect of the Greek language, was the dialect used by the inhabitants of that country. Eolian lyre or harp, is a simple stringed instrument that sounds by the impulse of air, from Æolus, the deity of the winds.

E-OL'I-PILE, n. [Æolus, the deity of the winds, and pila, a ball.]

A hollow ball of metal, with a pipe or slender neck, used in hydraulic experiments. The ball being filled with water, is heated, till the vapor issues from the pipe with great violence and noise, exhibiting the elastic power of steam. Encyc.

E'ON, n. [Gr. αιων, age, duration.]

In the Platonic philosophy, a virtue, attribute, or perfection. The Platonists represented the Deity as an assemblage of eons. The Gnostics considered eons as certain substantial powers or divine natures emanating from the Supreme Deity, and performing various parts in the operations of the universe. Encyc. Enfield.

EP, or EPI, prep.

Gr. επι, in composition, usually signifies on.

E'PACT, n. [Gr. επακτος, adscititious, from επαγω, to adduce or bring; επι and αγω, to drive.]

In chronology, the excess of the solar month above the lunar synodical month, and of the solar year above the lunar year of twelve synodical months. The epacts then are annual or menstrual. Suppose the new moon to be on the first of January; the month of January containing 31 days, and the lunar month only 29 days, 2h. 44m. 3s., the difference, or 1 day, 11h. 15m. 57s. is the menstrual epact. The annual epact is nearly eleven days; the solar year being 365 days, and the lunar year 354.

E-PAN-A-LEP'SIS, n. [Gr.]

Repetition; figure in rhetoric, when a sentence ends with the same word with which it begins.

E-PAN-O'DOS, n. [Gr.]

Return or inversion; a rhetorical figure, when a sentence or member is inverted or repeated backward; as, “woe to them who call good evil and evil good.”

EP-A-NOR'THO-SIS, n. [Gr.]

Connection; a figure of rhetoric, in which a speaker recalls or amends what he has said.

EP'ARCH, n. [Gr. επαρχος; επι and αρχη, dominion.]

The governor or prefect of a province. Ash.

EP'ARCH-Y, n. [Gr. επαρχια, a province; επι and αρχη, government.]

A province, prefecture or territory under the jurisdiction of an eparch or governor. Tooke.

EP'AU-LET, n. [Fr. epaulette, from epaule, the shoulder; It. spalla, Sp. espalda.]

A shoulder-piece; an ornamental badge worn on the shoulder by military men. Officers, military and naval, wear epaulets on one shoulder, or on both, according to their rank.

E-PAUL'MENT, n. [from Fr. epaule, a shoulder.]

In fortification, a side-work or work to cover sidewise, made of gabions, fascines, or bags of earth. It sometimes denotes a semi-bastion and a square orillon, or mass of earth faced and lined with a wall, designed to cover the canon of the casemate. Harris.

EP-E-NET'IC, a. [Gr. επαινητικος.]

Laudatory; bestowing praise. Phillips.

E-PEN'THE-SIS, or E-PEN'THE-SY, n. [Gr. επενθεσις; επι, εν, and τιθημι, to put.]

The insertion of a letter or syllable in the middle of a word, as, alituum for alitum. Encyc.


Inserted in the middle of a word. M. Stuart.

E-PERGN'E, n. [epern'e.]

An ornamental stand for a large glass dish with branches.

E'PHA, n. [Heb. אפה, or איפה, properly a baking.]

A Hebrew measure of three pecks and three pints, or according to others, of seven gallons and four pints, or about 15 solid inches. Johnson. Encyc.

E-PHEM'E-RA, n. [L. from Gr. εφημερος, daily; επι and ἡμερα, a day.]

  1. A fever of one day's continuance only.
  2. The day-fly; strictly, a fly that lives one day only; but the word is applied also to insects that are very short lived, whether they live several days or an hour only. There are several species.


  1. Diurnal; beginning and ending in a day; continuing or existing one day only.
  2. Short lived; existing or continuing for a short time only. [Ephemeral is generally used. Ephemerous is not analogically formed.]

E-PHEM'ER-IS, n. [plur. ephemer'ides. Gr. εφημερις.]

  1. A journal or account of daily transactions; a diary.
  2. In astronomy, an account of the daily state or positions of the planets or heavenly orbs; a table or collection of tables, exhibiting the places of the planets every day at noon. From these tables are calculated eclipses, conjunctions and other aspects of the planets. Encyc.