Dictionary: ERSE – ES-CA-LADE'

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ERSE, n.

The language of the descendants of the Gaels or Celts, in the highlands of Scotland.

ERSH, or EARSH, n.

Stubble of grain.

ERST, adv. [Sax. ærest, superlative of ær. See Ere.]

  1. First; at first; at the beginning.
  2. Once; formerly; long ago.
  3. Before; till then or now; hitherto. [The word is obsolete, except in poetry.]


Till then or now; formerly. [Obs.] Glanville.

ER-U-BES'CENCE, n. [L. erubescens, erubesco, from rubeo, to be red.]

A becoming red; redness of the skin or surface of any thing; a blushing.


Red, or reddish; blushing.

E-RUCT', or E-RUCT'ATE, v.t. [L. eructo, ructor, coinciding in elements with Ch. רוק, Heb. ירק, to spit. Qu. yerk.]

To belch; to eject from the stomach, as wind. [Little used.] Howell.


Belched; ejected.



E-RUC-TA'TION, n. [L. eructatio.]

  1. The act of belching wind from the stomach; a belch.
  2. A violent bursting forth or ejection of wind or other matter from the earth. Woodward.

ER'U-DITE, a. [L. eruditus, from erudio, to instruct. Qu. e and rudis, rude. Rather Ch. Syr. Sam. רדה redah, to teach. Class Rd, No. 2.]

Instructed; taught; learned. Chesterfield.


Learning; knowledge gained by study, or from books and instruction; particularly, learning in literature, as distinct from the sciences, as in history, antiquity and languages. The Scaligers were men of deep erudition. The most useful erudition for republicans is that which exposes the causes of discords. J. Adams.

E-RU'GIN-OUS, a. [L. æruginosus, from ærugo, rust.]

Partaking of the substance or nature of copper or the rust of copper, resembling rust.

E-RUPT', v.i.

To burst forth. [Not used.]

E-RUP'TION, [L. eruptio, from erumpo, erupi; e and rumpo, for rupo; Sp. romper; Fr. rompre. See Class Rb, No. 26, 27, 29.]

  1. The act of breaking or bursting forth from inclosure or confinement; a violent emission of any thing, particularly of flames and lava from a volcano. The eruptions of Hecla in 1783, were extraordinary for the quantity of lava discharged.
  2. A sudden or violent rushing forth of men or troops for invasion; sudden excursion. Incensed at such eruption bold. Milton.
  3. A burst of voice; violent exclamation. [Little used.] South.
  4. In medical science, a breaking out of humors, a copious excretion of humors on the skin, as in pustules; also, an efflorescence or redness on the skin, as in scarlatina; exanthemata; petechiæ; vibices; as in small pox, measles and fevers.


  1. Bursting forth. The sudden glance / Appears far south eruptive through the cloud. Thomson.
  2. Attended with eruptions or efflorescence, or producing it; as, an eruptive fever.

E-RYN'GO, n. [Gr. ηρυγγιον.]

The popular name of the sea-holly; Eryngium, a genus of plants of several species. The flowers are collected in a round head; the receptacle is paleaceous or chaffy. The young shoots are esculent. Encyc.

ER-Y-SIP'E-LAS, n. [Gr. ερυσιπελας.]

A disease called St. Anthony's fire; a diffused inflammation with fever of two or three days, generally with coma or delirium; an eruption of a fiery acrid humor, on some part of the body, but chiefly on the face. One species of erysipelas is called shingles, or eruption with small vesicles. Coxe. Encyc. Quincy.


Eruptive; resembling erysipelas, or partaking of its nature.



The honey suckle.

E-RYTH'E-MA, n. [Gr.]

An erysipelatous redness of the skin, or red pustule.

E-RYTH-E-MAT'IC, a. [Gr. ερυθημα.]

Relating to erythema, or erysipelas.


Denoting an eruptive redness of skin.

ES-CA-LADE', n. [Fr. id.; Sp. escalada; It. scalata; from Sp. escala, It. scala, L. scala, a ladder, Fr. echelle. See Scale.]

In the military art, a furious attack made by troops on a fortified place, in which ladders are used to pass a ditch or mount a rampart. Sin enters, not by escalade, but by cunning or treachery. Buckminster.