Dictionary: EX-OS'TO-ME – EX-PA-TIA'TION

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EX-OS'TO-ME, n. [Gr. εξω and στομα.]

The small aperture or foramen of the ovule of a plant. Beck.

EX-OS-TO'SIS, n. [Gr. εξ and οστεον, a bone.]

Any protuberance of a bone which is not natural; an excrescence or morbid enlargement of a bone. Coxe.

EX-O-TER'IC, a. [Gr. εξωτερος, exterior.]

External; public; opposed to esoteric or secret. The exoteric doctrines of the ancient philosophers were those which were openly professed and taught. The esoteric were secret, or taught only to a few chosen disciples. Enfield. Encyc

EX'O-TER-Y, n.

What is obvious or common. Search

EX-OT'IC, a. [Gr. εξωτικος, from εξω, without.]

Foreign; pertaining to or produced in a foreign country; not native; extraneous; as, an exotic plant; an exotic term or word.

EX-OT'IC, n.

  1. A plant, shrub or tree not native; a plant produced in a foreign country. Addison.
  2. A word of foreign origin.


The state of being exotic.

EX-PAND', v.i.

  1. To open; to spread. Flowers expand in spring.
  2. To dilate; to extend in bulk or surface. Metals expand by heat. A lake expands, when swelled by rains.
  3. To enlarge, as, the heart expands with joy.

EX-PAND', v.t. [L. expando; ex and pando, to open, spread; It. spandere, to pour out; coinciding with Eng. span, D. span, spannen., Sw. spänna, Dan. spænder. See Ar. بَانَ baina, Class Bn, No. 3. The primary sense is to strain or stretch, and this seems to be the sense of bend, L. pandus.]

  1. To open; to spread; as, a flower expands its leaves.
  2. To spread; to enlarge a surface; to diffuse; as, a stream expands its waters over a plain.
  3. To dilate; to enlarge in bulk; to distend; as, to expand the chest by inspiration; heat expands all bodies; air is expanded by rarefaction.
  4. To enlarge; to extend; as, to expand the sphere of benevolence; to expand the heart or affections.


Opened; spread; extended; dilated; enlarged; diffused.


Opening; spreading; extending; dilating; diffusing.

EX-PANSE, n. [expans'; L. expansum.]

A spreading; extent; a wide extent of space or body; as, the expanse of heaven. The smooth expanse of crystal lakes. Pope.

EX-PAN-SI-BIL'I-TY, n. [from expansible.]

The capacity of being expanded; capacity of extension in surface or bulk; as, the expansibility of air.

EX-PANS'I-BLE, a. [Fr. from expand.]

Capable of being expanded or spread; capable of being extended, dilated or diffused. Bodies are not expansible in proportion to their weight. Grew.




In an expansible manner.


Capable of expanding, or of being dilated.

EX-PAN'SION, n. [L. expansio.]

  1. The act of expanding or spreading out.
  2. The state of being expanded; the enlargement of surface or bulk; dilatation. We apply expansion to surface, as the expansion of a sheet or of a lake, and to bulk, as the expansion of fluids or metals by heat; but not to a line or length without breadth.
  3. Extent; space to which any thing is enlarged; also, pure space or distance between remote bodies.
  4. Enlargement; as, the expansion of the heart or affections.
  5. In commerce, an increase of issues of bank notes.


A contrivance to counteract expansion and contraction by heat, as in chronometers.

EX-PANS'IVE, a. [Fr.]

  1. Having the power to expand, to spread, or to dilate; as, the expansive force of heat or fire. Gregory.
  2. Having the capacity of being expanded; as, the expansive quality of air; the expansive atmosphere. Thomson.
  3. Widely extended; as, expansive benevolence.


The quality of being expansive.

EX-PARTE, adv. [Ex parte; L.]

On one part; as a hearing or a council ex parte, on one side only.

EX-PA'TIATE, v.i. [L. expatior; ex and spatior, to wander, to enlarge in discourse, spatium, space, probably allied to pateo, to open. Class Bd.]

  1. To move at large; to rove without prescribed limits; to wander in space without restraint. He bids his soul expatiate in the skies. Pope. Expatiate free o'er all this scene of man. Pope.
  2. To enlarge in discourse or writing; to be copious in argument or discussion. On important topics the orator thinks himself at liberty to expatiate.


Roving at large; moving in space without certain limits or restraint; enlarging in discourse or writing.


Act of expatiating.