Dictionary: EN-DOC'TRINE – EN-DUR'ER

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To teach; to indoctrinate. [See the latter word.] Donne.


An endogenous plant.

EN-DOG'E-NOUS, a. [Gr. ενδον and γενναω.]

An epithet given to that class of plants whose stems increase by internal growth, without distinction of pith, wood and bark. Such are the date, palm, sugar cane, &c. DeCand.

EN-DOPH'YL-LOUS, a. [Gr. ενδον, within, and φυλλον, leaf.]

Involved in a leaf or sheath.

EN-DO-PLEU'RA, n. [Gr. ενδον and πλευρα.]

In botany, a membrane for the seed of a plant, the innermost when there are three.

EN'DO-RHIZ, n. [Gr. ενδον and ριζα.]

In botany, a plant whose radicle elongates downward after rupturing the integument of the base.


Pertaining to the endorhiz. Lindley.


EN-DOS-MOSE', n. [Gr. ενδον and ωσμος, impulsion.]

The transmission of gaseous matter or vapors through membranes or porous substances inward. Brande.

EN-DOSS', v.t. [Fr. endosser.]

To engrave or carve. Spenser.

EN'DOS-TOME, n. [Gr. ενδον and στομα.]

The passage through the inner integument of a seed, immediately below the part called the foramen.

EN-DOW', v.t. [Norm. endouer; Fr. douer. Qu. from L. dos, doto, or a different Celtic root, for in Ir. diobhadh is dower. The sense is to set or put on.]

  1. To furnish with a portion of goods or estate, called dower; to settle a dower on, as on a married woman or widow. A wife is by law entitled to be endowed of all lands and tenements, of which her husband was seized in fee simple or fee tail during the coverture. Blackstone.
  2. To settle on, as a permanent provision; to furnish with a permanent fund of property; as, to endow a church; to endow a college with a fund to support a professor.
  3. To enrich or furnish with any gift, quality or faculty; to indue; man is endowed by his Maker with reason.

EN-DOW'ED, pp.

Furnished with a portion of estate; having dower settled on; supplied with a permanent fund; indued.

EN-DOW'ING, ppr.

Settling a dower on; furnishing with a permanent fund; induing.


  1. The act of settling dower on a woman, or of settling a fund or permanent provision for the support of a parson or vicar, or of a professor, &c.
  2. That which is bestowed or settled on; property, fund or revenue permanently appropriated to any object; as, the endowments of a church, of a hospital, or of a college.
  3. That which is given or bestowed on the person or mind by the Creator; gift of nature; any quality or faculty bestowed by the Creator. Natural activity of limbs is an endowment of the body; natural vigor of intellect is an endowment of the mind. Chatham and Burke, in Great Britain, and Jay, Ellsworth and Hamilton, in America, possessed uncommon endowments of mind.

EN-DRUDGE', v.t. [endruj'.]

To make a drudge or slave. [Not used.] Hall

EN-DUE', v.t. [Fr. enduire; L. induo.]

To indue, – which see.



That can be borne or suffered.

EN-DU'RA-BLY, adv.

In an enduring manner.

EN-DUR'ANCE, n. [See Endure.]

  1. Continuance; a state of lasting or duration; lastingness. Spenser.
  2. A bearing or suffering; a continuing under pain or distress without resistance, or without sinking or yielding to the pressure; sufferance; patience. Their fortitude was must admirable in their presence and endurance of all evils, of pain, and of death. Temple.
  3. Delay; a waiting for. [Not used.] Shak.

EN-DURE, v.i. [Fr. endurer; en and durer, to last, from dur, L. durus, duro; Sp. endurar. The primary sense of durus, hard, is set, fixed. See Durable.]

  1. To last; to continue in the same state without perishing; to remain; to abide. The Lord shall endure forever. Ps. ix. He shall hold it [his house] fast, but it shall not endure. Job viii.
  2. To bear; to brook; to suffer without resistance, or without yielding. How can I endure to see the evil that shall come to my people? Esther viii. Can thy heart endure, or thy hands be strong? Ezek. xxii.

EN-DURE, v.t.

  1. To bear; to sustain; to support without breaking or yielding to force or pressure. Metals endure a certain degree of heat without melting. Both were of shining steel, and wrought so pure, / As might the strokes of two such arms endure. Dryden.
  2. To bear with patience; to bear without opposition or sinking under the pressure. Therefore I endure all things for the elect's sake. 2 Tim. ii. If ye endure chastening, God dealeth with you as with sons. Heb. xii.
  3. To undergo; to sustain. I wish to die, yet dare not death endure. Dryden.
  4. To continue in. [Not used.] Brown.

EN-DUR-ED, pp.

Borne; suffered; sustained.


  1. One who bears, suffers or sustains.
  2. He or that which continues long.