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  1. Supplanting; stumbling; falling; stepping nimbly.
  2. adj. Quick; nimble. Milton.


Nimbly; with a light nimble quick step; with agility. Sing aud dance it trippingly. Shak. Speak the speech trippingly on the tongue. Shak.

TRIP'SIS, n. [Gr. τριψις, friction, the act of rubbing, from τριβω, to rub.]

The process of rubbing and percussing the whole surface of the body, and, at the same time flexing and extending the limbs, and racking the joints, in connection with the use of the hot bath, which is common in Egypt, Turkey, Grcece and Russia, in modern times, and which was practiced by the ancients. It is used in India without the bath. In modern Greek, it is called tripsimon. It is also called shampooing.

TRIP'TOTE, n. [Gr. τρεις, three, and πτωσις, case.]

In grammar, a name having three cases only. Clarke.

TRI-PU'DI-A-RY, a. [L. tripudium.]

Pertaining to dancing; performed by dancing. Brown.

TRI-PU'DI-ATE, v.i. [L. tripudio.]

To dance. Cockeram.

TRI-PU-DI-A'TION, n. [L. tripudio, to dance.]

Act of dancing. Johnson

TRI-PYR'A-MID, n. [L. tres and pyramis.]

In mineralogy, a genus of spars, the body of which is composed of single pyramids, each of three sides, aflixed by their base to some solid body. Cyc.

TRI-QUE'TROUS, a. [L. triquetrus, from triquetra, a triangle.]

Three-sided; having three plane sides. Encyc.

TRI-RA'DI-A-TED, a. [L. tres and radius.]

Having three rays.

TRI'REME, n. [L. triremis; tres and remus.]

A galley or vessel with three benches or ranks of oars on a side. Mitford.

TRI-RHOM-BOID'AL, a. [tri and rhomboidal.]

Having the form of three rhombs.

TRI-SAC-RA-MENT-A'RI-AN, n. [L. tres, three, and sacrament.]

One of a religious sect who admit of three sacraments and no more. Cyc.

TRI-SAG'I-ON, n. [Gr. τρεις, three, and ἁγιος, holy.]

A hymn in which the word holy is repeated three times. Bull. Cyc.

TRISE, v.t. [W. treisiaw, to seize.]

In seamen's language, to haul and tie up by means of a small rope or line. Mar. Dict.

TRI-SECT', v.t. [L. tres, three, and seco, to cut.]

To cut or divide into three equal parts. Allen.


Divided into three equal parts.


Dividing into three equal parts.

TRI-SEC'TION, n. [L. tres and sectio, a cutting.]

The division of a thing into three parts; particularly in geometry, the division of an angle into three equal parts. Cyc.


In botany, having three sepals, or small bracts of a calyx. Decandolle.

TRIS'PAST, or TRIS-PAS'TON, n. [Gr. τρεις and σπαω, to draw.]

In mechanics, a machine with three pulleys for raising great weights.

TRI-SPERM'OUS, a. [Gr. τρεις, three, and σπερμα, seed.]

Three-seeded; containing three seeds; as, a trispermous capsule.

TRIST, or TRIST'FUL, a. [L. tristis, sad.]

Sad; sorrowful; gloomy. [Not used.] Shak.



TRIS-TI'TIATE, v.t. [L. tristitia.]

To make sad. [Not used.] Feltham.