Dictionary: TY'NY – TY-RAN'NIC-AL-LY

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TY'NY, a.

Small. [See Tiny.]

TYPE, n. [Fr. type; L. typus; Gr. τυπος, from the root of tap, Gr. τυπτω, to beat, strike, impress.]

  1. The mark of something; an emblem; that which represents something else. Thy emblem, gracious queen, the British rose, / Type of sweet rule and gentle majesty. Prior.
  2. A sign; a symbol; figure of something to come; as, Abraham's sacrifice and the paschal lamb, were types of Christ. To this word is opposed antitype. Christ, in this case, is the antitype.
  3. A model or form of a letter in metal, or other hard material; used in printing.
  4. In medicine, some peculiarity in the form of a disease.
  5. In natural history, a general form, such as is common to the species of a genus, or the individuals of a species.
  6. A stamp or mark. Shak.

TYPE, v.t.

To prefigure; to represent by a model or symbol beforehand. [Little used.] White.


A compound of lead and antimony. Turner.


Pertaining to Typhœus, the fabled giant with a hundred heads.

TY'PHOID, a. [typhus and Gr. ειδος, form.]

Resembling typhus; weak; low. Say.

TY'PHON, n. [Gr. τυφων.]

A furious whirling wind; a hurricane in the eastern or Chinese seas; a whirlwind moving forward with irresistible impetuosity.


Relating to typhus.

TY'PHUS, n. [Gr. τυποω, to render stupid, to burn with a smothered fire, and with more smoke than flame; hence τυπος, stupor or coma.]

A genus of simple continuous fevers, essentially attended with a greater or less degree of atony or exhaustion, throughout their whole course, and from beginning to end. A preternaturally weak pulse always attends all these fevers. They are liable to be attended with coma in some of their stages.

TYP'IC, or TYP'I-CAL, a.

Emblematic; figurative; representing something future by a form, model or resemblance. Abraham's offering of his only son Isaac, was typical of the sacrifice of Christ. The brazen serpent was typical of the cross. Typic fever, is one that is regular in its attacks; opposed to erratic fever. Cyc.

TYP'IC-AL-LY, adv.

In a typical manner; by way of image, symbol or resemblance.


The state of being typical.

TYP'I-FI-ED, pp.

Represented by symbol or emblem.

TYPI-FY, v.t.

To represent by an image, form, model or resemblance, The washing of baptism typifies the cleansing of the soul from sin by the blood of Christ. Our Savior was typified by the goat that was slain. Brown.

TYP'I-FY-ING, ppr.

Representing by model or emblem.

TYP'O-COS-MY, n. [Gr. τυπος and κοσμος.]

A representation of the world. [Not much used.] Camden.

TY-POG'RAPH-ER, n. [See Typography.]

A printer. Warton.


  1. Pertaining to printing; as the typographic art.
  2. Emblematic.


  1. By means of types; after the manner of printers.
  2. Emblematically; figuratively.

TY'POG'RA-PHY, n. [Gr. τυπος, type, and γραφω, to write.]

  1. The art of printing, or the operation of impressing letters and words on forms of types.
  2. Emblematical or hieroglyphic representation. Brown.

TY'PO-LITE, n. [Gr. τυπος, form, and λιθος, stone.]

In natural history, a stone or fossil which has on it impressions or figures of plants and animals. Cyc.

TY'RAN, n.

A tyrant. [Not in use.] Spenser.

TY'RAN-NESS, n. [from tyrant.]

A female tyrant. Spenser. Akenside.

TY-RAN'NIC, or TY-RAN'NIC-AL, a. [Fr. tyrannique; Gr. τυραννικος.]

Pertaining to a tyrant; suiting a tyrant; arbitrary; unjustly severe in government; imperious; despotic; cruel; as, a tyrannical prince; a tyrannical master; tyrannical government or power. Our sects a more tyrannic power assume. Roscommon. Th' oppressor rul'd tyrannic where he durst Pope.


With unjust exercise of power; arbitrarily; oppressively.