Dictionary: THRUST – THUMP

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THRUST, v.t. [pret. and pp. thrust. L. trudo, trusum, trusito; Ch. טרד; Ar. طَرَدَ tarada. Class Rd, No. 63.]

  1. To push or drive with force; as, to thrust any thing with the hand or foot, or with an instrument. Neither shall one thrust another. Joel ii. John xx.
  2. To drive; to force; to impel. To thrust away or from, to push away; to reject. Acts vii. To thrust in, to push or drive in. Thrust in thy sickle and reap. Rev. xiv. To thrust on, to impel; to urge. Shak. To thrust off, to push away. To thrust through, to pierce; to stab. Numb. xxv. 2 Sam xviii. To thrust out, to drive out or away; to expel. Exod. xii. To thrust one's self, to obtrude; to intrude; to enter where one is not invited or not welcome. Locke. To thrust together, to compress.


One who thrusts or stabs.


  1. The act of pushing with force.
  2. In dairies, the act of squeezing curd with the hand, to expel the whey. [Local.] Cyc.


Pushing with force; driving; impelling; pressing.


In cheese-making, the white whey, or that which is last pressed out of the curd by the hand, and of which butter is sometimes made. Cyc. [The application of this word to cheese-making, is, I believe, entirely unknown in New England.]


A screw for pressing curd in cheese-making. [Local.]


The thrush. [See Throstle.]

THRY-FAL'LOW, v.t. [thrice and follow.]

To give the third plowing in summer. Tusser.

THUG, n. [Hindoo thugna, to deceive.]

One of an association of robbers and murderers in India.

THU'LE, n.

The name given in early history to the northernmost part of the habitable world, as Norway, or more probably Iceland; hence the Latin phrase, ultima thule.


A rare mineral of a peach blossom color, found in Norway. Ure.

THUMB, n. [Sax. thuma; G. daumen; D. duim; Dan. tomme; Sw. tumme.]

The short thick finger of the human hand, or the corresponding member of other animals. [The common orthography is corrupt. The real word is thum.]

THUMB, v.i.

To play on with the fingers.

THUMB, v.t.

  1. To handle awkwardly; to play with the fingers; as, to thumb over a tune.
  2. To soil with the fingers.

THUMB'-BAND, n. [thumb and band.]

A twist of any thing as thick as the thumb. Mortimer.


Having thumbs.


Handled awkwardly; soiled with the fingers.


Soiling with the fingers.


A ring worn on the thumb. Shak.

THUMB'-STALL, n. [thumb and stall.]

A kind of thimble or ferule of iron, horn or leather, with the edges turned up to receive the thread in making sails. It is worn on the thumb to tighten the stitches. Cyc.


A mineral so called from Thum, in Saxony, where it was found. It is called also axinite, from the resemblance of its flat sharp edges to that of an ax. It is either massive or crystalized; its crystals are in the form of a compressed oblique rhomboidal prism. It is of the silicious kind, and of a brown gray or violet color. Cyc.

THUM'MIM, n. [plur.]

A Hebrew word denoting perfections. The Urim and Thummim were worn in the breastplate of the high priest, but what they were, has never been satisfactorily ascertained.

THUMP, n. [It. thombo.]

A heavy blow given with any thing that is thick, as with a club or the fist, or with a heavy hammer, or with the breech of a gun. The watchman gave so great a thump at my door, that I awaked at the knock. Tatler.

THUMP, v.i.

To strike or fall on with a heavy blow. A watchman at night thumps with his pole. Swift.

THUMP, v.t.

To strike or beat with something thick or heavy. Shak.