Dictionary: SHOAL'I-NESS – SHOG

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SHOAL'I-NESS, n. [from shoaly.]

  1. Shallowness; little depth of water.
  2. The state of abounding with shoals.


Full of shoals or shallow places. The tossing vessel sail'd on shoally ground. – Dryden.

SHOCK, n. [D. schok, a bounce, jolt or leap; Fr. choc, a striking or dashing against. See Shake.]

  1. A violent collision of bodies, or the concussion which it occasions; a violent striking or dashing against. The strong unshaken mounds resist the shocks / Of tides and seas. – Blackmore.
  2. Violent onset; conflict of contending armies or foes. He stood the shock of a whole host of foes. – Addison.
  3. External violence; as, the shocks of fortune. – Addison.
  4. Offense; impression of disgust. Fewer shocks a statesman gives his friend. – Young.
  5. In electricity, the effect on the animal system of a discharge of the fluid from a charged body.
  6. A pile of sheaves of wheat, rye, &c. And cause it on shocks to be by and by set. – Tusser. Behind the master walks, builds up the shocks. Thomson.
  7. In New England, the number of sixteen sheaves of wheat, rye, &c. [This is the sense in which this word is generally used with us.]
  8. A dog with long rough hair or shag. [from shag.]

SHOCK, v.i.

To collect sheaves into a pile; to pile sheaves. – Tusser.

SHOCK, v.t. [D. schokken; Fr. choquer.]

  1. To shake by the sudden collision of a body.
  2. To meet force with force; to encounter. – Shak.
  3. To strike, as with horror or disgust; to cause to recoil, as from something odious or horrible; to offend extremely; to disgust; I was shocked at the sight of so much misery. Avoid every thing that can shock the feelings of delicacy. Advise him not to shock a father's will. – Dryden.


  1. Struck, as with horror; offended; disgusted.
  2. Piled, as sheaves.


  1. Shaking with sudden violence.
  2. Meeting in onset or violent encounter. And now with shouts the shocking armies clos'd. – Pope.
  3. adj. Striking, as with horror; causing to recoil with horror or disgust; extremely offensive or disgusting. The French humor … is very shocking to the Italians. – Addison.


In a manner to strike with horror or disgust. – Chesterfield.


The state of being shocking.

SHOD, v.t. [for Shoed, pret. and pp. of Shoe.]

SHOE, n. [plur. Shoes. Sax. sceo, sceog; G. schuh; D. schoen; Sw. sko; Dan. skoe, a shoe; skoer, to bind with iron, to shoe. It is uncertain to what this word was originally applied, whether to a band of iron, or to something worn on the human foot. It is a contracted word. In G. handschuh, hand-shoe, is a glove. The sense is probably a cover, or that which is put on.]

  1. A covering for the foot, usually of leather, composed of a thick species for the sole, and a thinner kind for the vamp and quarters. Shoes for ladies often have some species or cloth for the vamp and quarters.
  2. A plate or rim of iron nailed to the hoof of a horse to defend it from injury; also, a plate of iron for an ox's hoot one for each division of the hoof. Oxen are shod in New England, sometimes to defend the hoof from injury in stony places, more generally to enable them to walk on ice, in which case the shoes are armed with sharp points. This is called calking.
  3. The plate of iron which is nailed to the bottom of the runner of a sleigh, or any vehicle that slides on the snow in winter.
  4. A piece of timber fastened with pins to the bottom of the runners of a sled, to prevent them from wearing.
  5. Something in form of a shoe.
  6. A cover for defense. Shoe of an anchor, a small block of wood, convex on the back, with a hole to receive the point of the anchor fluke; used to prevent the anchor from tearing the planks of the ship's bow, when raised or lowered. – Mar. Dict.

SHOE, v.t. [pret. and pp. shod.]

  1. To furnish with shoes; put shoes on; as, to shoe a horse or an ox; to shoe a sled or sleigh.
  2. To cover at the bottom. – Drayton. To shoe an anchor, to cover the flukes with a broad triangular piece of plank whose area is larger than that of the fluke. This is intended to give the anchor a stronger hold in soft grounds. – Mar. Dict.

SHOE'-BLACK, n. [shoe and black.]

A person that cleans shoes.

SHOE'-BOY, n. [shoe and boy.]

A boy that cleans shoes.

SHOE'-BUCK-LE, n. [shoe and buckle.]

A buckle for fastening a shoe to the foot.

SHOE'ING, ppr.

Putting on shoes.

SHOE'ING-HORN, n. [shoe and horn.]

  1. A horn used to facilitate the entrance of the foot into a narrow shoe.
  2. Any thing by which a transaction is facilitated; any thing used as a medium; in contempt. – Spectator.

SHOE'-LEATH-ER, or SHOE'-LETH-ER, n. [shoe and feather.]

Leather for shoes.


Destitute of shoes. Caltrops very much incommoded the shoeless Moors. – Dr. Addison.

SHOE'MAK-ER, n. [shoe and maker.]

One whose occupation or trade is to make shoes and boots.

SHO'ER, n.

One that fits shoes to the feet; one that furnishes or puts on shoes; as a farrier.

SHOE'STRING, n. [shoe and string.]

A string used to fasten a shoe to the foot.

SHOE'TYE, n. [shoe and tye.]

A ribin used for fastening a shoe to the foot.

SHOG, n. [for Shock.]

A violent concussion. [Not in use.] – Dryden.

SHOG, v.i.

To move off; to be gone; to jog. [Not in use. See Jog.] – Hall.