Dictionary: SIM'PLE-NESS – SIN

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  1. The state or quality of being simple, single, or uncompounded; as, the simpleness of the elements. Digby.
  2. Artlessness; simplicity.
  3. Weakness of intellect.


One that collects simples; an herbalist; a simplist.

SIM-PLESS, n. [for Simplicity or Silliness, is not in use. Spenser.]


A silly person; a person of weak intellect; a trifler; a foolish person. – Pope.


An artless, unskilled, or undesigning person. [Not in use.] – Arnway.

SIM-PLIC'I-TY, n. [L. simplicitas; Fr. simplicité; It. simplicità; Sp. simplicidad.]

  1. Singleness; the state of being unmixed or uncompounded; as, the simplicity of metals or of earths.
  2. The state of being not complex, or of consisting of few parts; as, the simplicity of a machine.
  3. Artlessness of mind; freedom from a propensity to cunning or stratagem; freedom from duplicity; sincerity. Marquis Dorset, a man for his harmless simplicity neither misliked nor much regarded. Hayward.
  4. Plainness; freedom from artificial ornament; as, the simplicity of a dress, of style, of language, &c. Simplicity in writing is the first of excellencies.
  5. Plainness; freedom from subtilty or abstruseness; as, the simplicity of Scriptural doctrines or truth.
  6. Weakness of intellect; silliness. – Hooker. Godly simplicity, in Scripture, is a fair, open profession and practice of evangelical truth, with a single view to obedience and to the glory of God.

SIM-PLI-FI-CA'TION, n. [See Simplify.]

The act of making simple; the act of reducing to simplicity, or to a state not complex. Ch. Obs.


Made simple or not complex.

SIM'PLI-FY, v.t. [L. simplex, simple, and facio, to make; Fr. simplifier.]

To make simple; to reduce what is complex to greater simplicity; to make plain or easy. The collection of duties is drawn to a point, and so far simplified. – Hamilton. It is important in scientific pursuits, to be cautious in simplifying our deductions. – Nicholson. This is the true way to simplify the study of science. – Lavoisier, Trans.


Making simple; rendering less complex.


One skilled in simples or medical plants. Brown.


SIM'PLY, adv.

  1. Without art; without subtilty; artlessly; plainly. Subverting worldly strong and worldly wise / By simply meek. – Milton.
  2. Of itself; without addition; alone. They make that good or evil, which otherwise of itself were not simply the one nor the other. – Hooker.
  3. Merely; solely. Simply the thing I am / Shall make me live. – Shak.
  4. Weakly; foolishly.

SIM'U-LA-CHER, n. [L. simulacrum.]

An image. [Not in use.] – Elyot.

SIM'U-LAR, n. [See Simulate.]

One who simulates or counterfeits something. [Not in use.] – Shak.

SIM'U-LATE, a. [L. simulatus.]

Feigned; pretended. – Bale.

SIM'U-LATE, v.t. [L. simulo, from similis, like.]

To feign; to counterfeit; to assume the mere appearance of something, without the reality. The wicked often simulate the virtuous and good. –

SIM'U-LAT-ED, pp. [or adj.]

Feigned; pretended; assumed artificially. – Chesterfield.


Feigning; pretending; assuming the appearance of what is not real.

SIM-U-LA'TION, n. [Fr. from L. simulatio.]

The act of feigning to be that which is not; the assumption of a deceitful appearance or character. Simulation differs from dissimulation. The former denotes the assuming of a false character; the latter denotes the concealment of the true character. Both are comprehended in the word hypocrisy.

SI-MUL-TA'NE-OUS, a. [Fr. simultanée; Sp. simultaneo; from L. simul, at the same time.]

Existing or happening at the same time; as, simultaneous events. The exchange of ratifications may be simultaneous.


At the same time.


The state or quality of being or happening at the same time; as, the simultaneousness of transactions in two different places.

SIM'UL-TY, n. [L. simultas.]

Private grudge or quarrel. [Not in use.] – B. Jonson.

SIN, n. [Sax. sin and syn; G. sünde; D. zonde; Sw. and Dan. synd; Lapponie, Finnish, sindia; allied perhaps to Ir. sainim, to alter, to vary, to sunder. The primary sense is probably to depart, to wander.]

  1. The voluntary departure of a moral agent from a known rule of rectitude or duty, prescribed by God; any voluntary transgression of the divine law, or violation of a divine command; a wicked act; iniquity. Sin is either a positive act in which a known divine law is violated, or it is the voluntary neglect to obey a positive divine command, or a rule of duty clearly implied in such command. Sin comprehends not actions only, but neglect of known duty, all evil thoughts, purposes, words and desires, whatever is contrary to God's commands or law. – 1 John iii. Matth. xv. James iv. Sinners neither enjoy the pleasures of sin, nor the peace of piety. – Rob. Hall. Among divines, sin is original or actual. Actual sin, above defined, is the act of a moral agent in violating a known rule of duty. Original sin, as generally understood, is native depravity of heart; that want of conformity of heart to the divine will, that corruption of nature or deterioration of the moral character of man, which is supposed to be the effect of Adam's apostasy; and which manifests itself in moral agents by positive acts of disobedience to the divine will, or by the voluntary neglect to comply with the express commands of God, which require that we should love God with all the heart and soul and strength and mind, and our neighbor as ourselves. This native depravity or alienation of affections from God and his law, is supposed to be what the apostle calls the carnal mind or mindedness, which is enmity against God, and is therefore denominated sin or sinfulness. Unpardonable sin, or blasphemy against the Holy Spirit, is supposed to be a malicious and obstinate rejection of Christ and the Gospel plan of salvation, or a contemptuous resistance made to the influences and convictions of the Holy Spirit. – Matth. xii.
  2. A sin-offering; an offering made to atone for sin. He hath made him to be sin for us, who knew no sin. – 2 Cor. v.
  3. A man enormously wicked. [Not in use.] – Shak. Sin differs from crime, not in nature, but in application. That which is a crime against society, is sin against God.