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SEP'UL-TURE, n. [Fr. from L. sepulture, from sepelio.]

Burial; interment; the act of depositing the dead body of a human being in the grave. Where we may royal sepulture prepare. – Dryden.

SE-QUA'CIOUS, a. [L. sequax, from sequor, to follow. See Seek.]

  1. Following; attendant. Trees uprooted left their place, / Sequacious of the lyre. – Dryden. The fond sequacious herd. – Thomson.
  2. Ductile; pliant. The forge was easy, and the matter ductile and sequacious. [Little used.] – Ray.


State of being sequacious; disposition to follow. – Taylor.

SEQUAC'I-TY, n. [supra.]

  1. A following, or disposition to follow.
  2. Ductility; pliableness. [Little used.] – Bacon.

SE'QUEL, n. [Fr. séquelle; L. It. and Sp. seqeula; from L. sequor, to follow.]

  1. That which follows; a succeeding part; as, the sequel of a man's adventures or history.
  2. Consequence; event. Let the sun or moon cease, fail or swerve, and the sequel would be ruin. – Hooker.
  3. Consequence inferred; consequentialness. [Little used.] – Whitgift.

SE'QUENCE, n. [Fr. from L. sequens, sequor; It. seguenza.]

  1. A following, or that which follows; a consequent. – Brown.
  2. Order of succession. How art thou a king / But by fair sequence and succession? – Shak.
  3. Series; arrangement; method. – Bacon.
  4. In music, a regular alternate succession of similar chords. – Busby.

SE'QUENT, a. [supra.]

  1. Following; succeeding. – Shak.
  2. Consequential. [Little used.]


A follower. [Not in use.] – Shak.


In succession.


To decline, as a widow, any concern with the estate of her husband.

SE-QUES'TER, v.t. [Fr. séquestrer; It. sequestrare; Sp. sequestrar; Low L. sequestro, to sever or separate, to put into the hands of an indifferent person, as a deposit; sequester, belonging to mediation or umpirage, and as a noun, an umpire, referee, mediator. This word is probably a compound of se and the root of quæstus, quæsitus, sought. See Question.]

  1. To separate from the owner for a time; to seize or take possession of some property which belongs to another, and hold it till the profits have paid the demand for which it is taken. Formerly the goods of a defendant in chancery, were, in the last resort, sequestered and detained to enforce the decrees of the court. And now the profits of a benefice are sequestered to pay the debts of ecclesiastics. – Blackstone.
  2. To take from parties in controversy and put into the possession of an indifferent person. – Encyc.
  3. To put aside; to remove; to separate from other things. I had wholly sequestered my civil affaire. – Bacon.
  4. To sequester one's self, to separate one's self from society; to withdraw or retire; to seclude one's self for the sake of privacy or solitude; as, to sequester one's self from action. Hooker.
  5. To cause to retire or withdraw into obscurity. It was his tailor and his cook, his fine fashions and his French ragouts which sequestered him. – South.


Seized and detained for a time, to satisfy a demand; separated; also, being in retirement secluded; private; as, a sequestered situation.


Seizing or taking possession of the property of another for a time, to satisfy a claim; removing; separating; secluding.


That may be sequestered or separated; subject or liable to sequestration.


To sequester. [It is less used than sequester, but exactly synonymous.]


  1. The act of taking a thing from parties contending for it, and intrusting it to an indifferent person. – Encyc.
  2. In the civil law, the act of the ordinary, disposing of the goods and chattels of one deceased, whose estate no one will meddle with. – Encyc.
  3. The act of taking property from the owner for a time, till the rents, issues and profits satisfy a demand.
  4. The act of seizing the estate of a delinquent for the use of the state.
  5. Separation; retirement; seclusion from society. – South.
  6. State of being separated or set aside. – Shak.
  7. Disunion; disjunction. [Not in use.] – Boyle.


  1. One that sequesters property or takes the possession of it for a time, to satisfy a demand out of its rents or profits. – Taylor.
  2. One to whom the keeping of sequestered property is committed. – Bailey.


A gold coin of Venice and Turkey, of different value in different places. At Venice, its value is about 9s. 2d. sterling, or $2,04. In other parts of Italy, it is stated to be of 9s. value, or $2. It is sometimes written Chequin and Zechin. [See Zechin.]

SE-RAGL-IO, n. [seral'yo; Fr. sérail; Sp. serrallo; It. serraglio, from serrare, to shut or make fast, Fr. serrer; perhaps from יצר or צרר. Castle deduces the word from the Persian سَرَاي sarai, serai, a great house, a palace. The Portuguese write the word cerralho, and Fr. serrer, to lock, they write cerrar, as do the Spaniards.]

The palace of the Grand Seignior or Turkish sultan, or the palace of a prince. The seraglio of the sultan is a long range of buildings inhabited by the Grand Seignior and all the officers and dependents of his court; and in it is transacted all the business of government. In this also are confined the females of the harem. – Eton.

SE'RAI, n.

In India, a place for the accommodation of travelers.

SER'APH, n. [plur. Seraphs; but sometimes the Hebrew plural, seraphim, is used, from Heb. שרף, to burn.]

An angel of the highest order. As full, as perfect in vile man that mourns, / As the rapt seraph that adores and burns. – Pope.


  1. Pertaining to a seraph; angelic; sublime; as, seraphic purity; seraphic fervor.
  2. Pure; refined from sensuality. – Swift.
  3. Burning or inflamed with love or zeal. Thus St. Bonaventure was called the seraphic doctor. – Encyc.


In the manner of a seraph.

SER'A-PHIM, n. [the Hebrew plural of Seraph.]

Angels of the highest order in the celestial hierarchy. Com. Prayer. [It is sometimes improperly written Seraphims.]

SER-A-PHI'NA, or SER'A-PHINE, n. [from Seraph.]

A keyed wind instrument, the tones of which are generated by the play of wind upon metallic reeds, as in the accordion. It consists, like the organ, of a key board, wind-chest and bellows. By means of a pedal, the stress of the wind upon the reeds may be so regulated as to give, with fine effect, the expression of accent, crescendo and diminuendo. – Dr. Fitch.