Dictionary: SIN'LESS-LY – SI-PHON'IC

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In a sinless manner; innocently.


Freedom from sin and guilt. – Boyle.


  1. One that has voluntarily violated the divine law; a moral agent who has voluntarily disobeyed any divine precept, or neglected any known duty.
  2. It is used in contradistinction to saint, to denote an unregenerate person; one who has not received the pardon of his sins.
  3. An offender; a criminal. – Dryden.

SIN'NER, v.i.

To act as a sinner; in ludicrous language. Whether the charmer sinner it or saint it. – Pope.

SIN'-OF-FER-ING, n. [sin and offering.]

A sacrifice for sin; something offered as an expiation for sin. – Exod. xxix.

SIN'O-PER, or SIN'O-PLE, n. [L. sinopis; Gr. σινωπις.]

Red ferruginous quartz, of a blood or brownish red color, sometimes with a tinge of yellow. It occurs in small but very perfect crystals, and in masses that resemble some varieties of jasper. – Cleaveland.


In painting, a sort of red earth, in color near to minium. – Elmes.


Oppressed with a sense of sin.


Stung with remorse for sin. – Baxter.


In mineralogy, calcarious sinter is a variety of carbonate of lime, composed of a series of successive layers, concentric, plane or undulated, and nearly or quite parallel. It appears under various forms. – Cleaveland. Silicious sinter is white or grayish, light, brittle, porous, and of a fibrous texture. Opaline silicious sinter somewhat resembles opal. It is whitish, with brownish, blackish or bluish spots, and its fragments present dendritic appearances. – Phillips. Pearl sinter or fiorite occurs in stalactitic, cylindrical, botryoidal, and globular masses, white or grayish. – Phillips.


In botany, a sinuate leaf is one that has large curved breaks in the margin, resembling bays, as in the oak. – Martyn.

SIN'U-ATE, v.t. [L. sinuo.]

To wind; to turn; to bend in and out. – Woodward.

SIN'U-A-TING, ppr.

Winding; turning; bending in and out.


A winding or bending in and out. – Hale.

SIN-U-OS'I-TY, n. [L. sinuosus, sinus.]

The quality of bending or curving in and out; or a series of bends and turns in arches or other irregular figures.

SIN'U-OUS, a. [Fr. sinueux, from L. sinus.]

Winding; crooked; bending in and out; as, a sinuous pipe. Streaking the ground with sinuous trace. – Milton.

SIN'U-OUS-LY, adv.

Windingly; crookedly.

SI'NUS, n. [L. a bay.]

  1. A bay of the sea; a recess in seashore, shore, or an opening into the land. – Burnet.
  2. In anatomy, a cavity in a bone or other part, wider at the bottom than at the entrance. – Encyc.
  3. In surgery, a little elongated cavity, in which pus is collected; an elongated abscess with only a small orifice. – Encyc. Parr.
  4. An opening; a hollow.

SIP, n.

The taking of a liquor with the lips; or a small draught taken with the lips. One sip of this / Will bathe the drooping spirits in delight, / Beyond the bliss of dreams. – Milton.

SIP, v.i.

To drink a small quantity; to take a fluid with the lips. – Dryden.

SIP, v.t. [Sax. sipan, to sip, to drink in, to macerate; sippers; D. sippen; G. saufen; Dan. sober; Sw. supa; Ir. subham; W. sipiaw, to draw the lips; sipian, to sip; Fr. soupe, souper; Eng. sop, sup, supper. See Class Sb, No. 79.]

  1. To take a fluid into the mouth in small quantities by the lips; as, to sip wine; to sip tea or coffee. Pope.
  2. To drink or imbibe in small quantities. Every herb that sips the dew. – Milton.
  3. To draw into the mouth; to extract; as, a bee sips nectar from the flowers.
  4. To drink out of. They skim the floods, and sip the purple flowers. – Dryden.

SI-PAUN', n.

Mush or hasty pudding.

SIPE, v.i.

To ooze; to issue slowly; as a fluid. [Local.] – Grose.

SI'PHON, n. [L. sipho, sipo; Gr. σιφων; It. sifone; Fr. siphon; Sp. sifon. Qu. from the root of sip.]

  1. A bent pipe or tube whose legs are of unequal length, used for drawing liquor out of a vessel by causing it to rise over the rim or top. For this purpose, the shorter leg is inserted in the liquor, and the air is exhausted by being drawn through the longer leg. The liquor then rises by the weight of the atmosphere to supply the vacuum, till it reaches the top of the vessel, and then descends in the longer leg of the siphon.
  2. The pipe by which the chambers of a shell communicate. – Ed. Encyc.


Pertaining to a siphon.