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A composer of symphonies or instrumental music.

SYM'PHO-NY, n. [L. symphonia; Fr. symphonie; Gr. συμφωνια; συν, with, and φωνη, voice.]

  1. A consonance or harmony of sounds, agreeable to the ear, whether the sounds are vocal or instrumental, or both. The trumpets sound, / And warlike symphony is heard around. – Dryden.
  2. A musical instrument, mentioned by French writers.
  3. A full concert.
  4. An overture or other composition for instruments.

SYM'PHY-SIS, n. [Gr. συμφυσις; συν, together, and φυω, to grow.]

  1. In anatomy, the union of bones by cartilage; a connection of bones without a movable joint. – Coxe. Cyc.
  2. In surgery, a coalescence of a natural passage; also, the first intention of cure in a wound. – Coxe.

SYM-PI-E-SOM'E-TER, n. [Gr. συμπιεζω, to compress, and μετρον.]

An instrument for measuring the weight of the atmosphere by the compression of a column of gas. – Brande.

SYM-PO'SI-AC, a. [sympo'ziac; Gr. συμποσια, a drinking together; συν, together, and πινω, to drink.]

Pertaining to compotations and merry-making; happening where company is drinking together; as, symposiac meetings. – Brown. Symposiac disputations. [Not much used.] – Arbuthnot.


A conference or conversation of philosophers at a banquet. – Plutarch.


In ancient Greece, the master of a feast.

SYM-PO-SI-UM, n. [sympo'zium. supra.]

A drinking together; a merry feast. – Warton.

SYMP'TOM, n. [Fr. symptome; Gr. συμπτωμα, a falling or accident, from συν, with, and πιπτω, to fall.]

  1. Properly, something that happens in concurrence with another thing, as an attendant. Hence in medicine, any affection which accompanies disease; a perceptible change in the body or its functions, which indicates disease. The causes of disease often lie beyond our sight, but we learn the nature of them by the symptoms. Particular symptoms which more uniformly accompany a morbid state of the body, and are characteristic of it, are called pathognomonic or diagnostic symptoms.
  2. A sign or token; that which indicates the existence of something else; as, open murmurs of the people are a symptom of disaffection to law or government.


  1. Pertaining to symptoms; happening in concurrence with something; indicating the existence of something else.
  2. In medicine, a symptomatic disease is one which proceeds from some prior disorder in some part of the body. Thus a symptomatic fever may proceed from local injury or local inflammation. It is opposed to idiopathic. – Encyc. Coxe.
  3. According to symptoms; as, a symptomatical classification of diseases.


By means of symptoms; in the nature of symptoms. – Wiseman.

SYMP-TOM-A-TOL'O-GY, n. [Gr. συμπτωμα, and λογος, discourse.]

The doctrine of symptoms; that part of the science of medicine which treats of the symptoms of diseases. – Coxe.

SYN-A-GOG'IC-AL, a. [from synagogue.]

Pertaining to a synagogue. – Dict.

SYN-A-GOGUE, n. [syn'agog; Fr., from Gr. συναγωγη; συν, together, and αγω, to drive; properly an assembly.]

  1. A congregation or assembly of Jews, met for the purpose of worship or the performance of religious rites.
  2. The house appropriated to the religious worship of the Jews.
  3. The court of the seventy elders among the Jews, called the great synagogue. Cyc.


A fish caught in the Archipelago, resembling the dentex. It has a sharp back, and is reckoned a species of Sparus. – Cyc.

SYN-A-LE'PHA, n. [Gr. συναλοιφη.]

In grammar, a contraction of syllables by suppressing some vowel or diphthong at the end of a word, before another vowel or diphthong; as, ill' ego, for ille ego.

SYN'ARCH-Y, n. [Gr. συναρχια.]

Joint rule or sovereignty. – Stackhouse.

SY-NAR'E-SIS, or SY-NAR'E-SY, n. [Gr. συναιρεσις.]

Contraction; the shortening of a word by the omission of a letter, as ne'er for never. – Addison.

SYN-AR-THRO'SIS, n. [Gr. συν, with, and αρθροω, to articulate.]

Union of bones without motion; close union; as in sutures, symphysis, and the like. – Coxe.

SYN-AX'IS, n. [Gr., from συναγω, to congregate; συν, and αγω.]

A congregation; also, a term formerly used for the Lord's supper. – Saxon Laws.

SYN-CARP'OUS, a. [Gr. συν, and καρπος, fruit.]

In botany, having the carpels of a compound fruit completely united; as in the apple and pear. – Lindley.

SYN-CAT'E-GO-RE-MAT'IC, n. [Gr. συν and κατηγορημα.]

In logic, a word which can not be used as a term by itself; as an adverb, or preposition.

SYN-CHON-DRO'SIS, n. [Gr. συν and χονδρος, cartilage.]

The connection of bones by means of cartilage or gristle. – Wiseman.

SYN'CHRO-NAL, a. [Gr. συν, with, and χρονος, time.]

Happening at the same time; simultaneous.

SYN'CHRO-NAL, n. [supra.]

That which happens at the same time with something else, or pertains to the same time. – More.