Lexicon: literature – live

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literature, n. [L. litterātūra.]

Learning; writings; written records; belle lettres; arts and sciences; realm of languages, history, grammar, rhetoric, logic, geography, and so forth.

lithe (-st), adj. [OE.]

Pliant; supple; flexible; deft; easy to move.

litigant (-s), n. [Fr. < L. lītigāre.]

Contender; rival; challenger; competitor; party in a lawsuit; person involved in a dispute.

litter (-ed), v. [OFr < L. lect-us, bed.]

Scatter; strew randomly; throw out scraps, shreds, or crumbs; dispose of in a disorderly manner.

little, adj. [OE lytel.]

  1. Familiar; well-known.
  2. Unprotected; susceptible to danger.
  3. Lesser; small in quality; [fig.] anonymous; not well known; not much regarded.
  4. Slight; trivial; insignificant; of small power; not of great importance.
  5. Meek; humble; [fig.] fond; precious; [metaphor] vulnerable; tender; sensitive; emotionally fragile.
  6. Short; not long; with only a few words; having not very many lines in a verse.
  7. Small in quantity.
  8. Short in period of time.
  9. Limited; restricted; constrained; small in diameter.
  10. Small in size; [quantifier, opposed to great or large.]
  11. Young; small in size; early in years.
  12. Dear; sweet; beloved; [paradox] important; meaningful.
  13. Phrase. “Little John”: John surnamed Little; [irony] Robin Hood's giant bowman (see John, proper n3).

little, adv. [see little, adj.]

  1. Not very much; [emphatic negative, as in he little knows = 'he is far from knowing.']
  2. Phrase. “a little … of”: not far from; a short distance away from.
  3. Phrase. “a little”: somewhat; to some extent; for a short time.
  4. Phrase. “a little”: slightly; in a small quantity; to a limited degree; [sometimes with “a” as a phrase.]

little, n. [see little, adj.]

  1. Least ones (see Matthew 25:40, 45); those of lower status; people who seem to be of small importance.
  2. Remnant; trifle; small remainder; slight thing; amount of small importance.
  3. Not much; only a small quantity; not a great amount.

Little John, proper n. [see John, proper n.]

liturgy (liturgies), n. [L. < Gk, public worship service, ceremony of the gods.]

Worship text; spoken script for a church meeting; formulaic language of the Common Prayer service; dialogue repeated between the minister and the congregation for the sacrament of the Holy Eucharist.

live (-ed, -ing, -s), v. [OE libban, to remain, continue.]

  1. Breathe; exist; be alive; have existence; posses the qualities of life rather than death.
  2. Survive; stay alive; remain in mortality.
  3. Dwell; reside; [fig.] belong.
  4. Subsist; get nutrients; sustain vitality.
  5. Experience; enjoy.
  6. Last; endure; continue breathing; hang on; hold out.
  7. Act; perform daily duties.
  8. Resuscitate; be alive again; [fig.] breathe; awake; arise; stand up.
  9. Coexist; cohabit; abide; share time; occupy a home; [fig.] marry.
  10. Pass time.
  11. Have meaning; gain significance; achieve permanence; become attested.
  12. Be located; is situated.
  13. Maintain being; support existence.
  14. Move; run; ebb and flow.
  15. Have a heartbeat.
  16. Phrase. “live with”: remember; always perceive; constantly think of; continually feel the presence of.
  17. Phrase. “live again”: resurrect; change from mortal to immortal; move from death to the next life.
  18. Phrase. “lived the life of”: experienced; submitted to; [tautology] chose to be taken by.