Lexicon: Lethe – Lexington

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Lethe, proper n. [L. Lēthē < Gk 'forgetfulness'.]

Transport; oblivion; memory loss; obliteration of past pain; [mythology] dew; rain water; Hades river that made drinkers forget their past; [fig.] nectar; sweet plant liquid.

letter (-s, -'s), n. [OFr lettre.]

  1. Missive; epistle; printed text; communication made by visible characters from one person to another at a distance.
  2. Verbal expression; [fig.] gift; souvenir; trinket of memory; token of affection.
  3. Paper; correspondence; [fig.] good works.
  4. Character; grapheme; alphabetic symbol; [fig.] word; writing; poem.
  5. Statement; declaration; proclamation; announcement; calling card; [fig.] poem; prayer; inspired message.
  6. Prayer; orison; communion with Deity; expression of praise and petition.
  7. Secret note; billet doux; private document; written message from one's beloved; [verbal contraction “Letter's”] letter is.
  8. Post; missive; [fig.] invitation to visit; preliminary communique; preparatory text prior to a face-to-face meeting.
  9. Warning; message; means of communication.
  10. Revelation; prophecy; scripture; divine inscription; message from God (see Daniel 5:2-6).
  11. Receiving a written note; arrival of a posted correspondence; getting a piece of mail from a friend or loved one.

letting, verbal n. [OE lætan.; gerund form; see let, v.]

  1. Phrase. “The letting go”: [intransitive] acceptance; realization of irreversible events; recognition of a fact that cannot be changed; [fig.] death; demise; end of life; allowing oneself to die without resisting the transition; [metaphor] resignation; emotional paralysis.
  2. Phrase. “The letting go”: [transitive] concession of; release of; yielding of; relinquishment of; giving up of (someone); loosening of one's hold on (something).

lettre (-s), n. [see belles lettres.]

Literary piece; [fig.] scripture.

level, adj. [OFr livel.]

Horizontal; parallel; equal in rank; [fig.] steady; constant; incessant; perpetual.

level (-ed, levelled), v. [see level, adj.]

  1. Efface; wear down; make smooth; remove obstacles from; change from rough to plain; transform from difficult to easy (see Isaiah 40:4).
  2. Aim; point at horizontally; identify as a target; line up to shoot at.

lever, n. [OFr leveour, to raise.]

  1. Pole for moving heavy objects; long metal bar used for lifting an obstacle; [fig.] coercion; peer pressure; compulsory means.
  2. Tool; implement; instrument for heavy labor; [fig.] motivation; inspiration; driving force.

Le Verriere, proper n. [Norman Fr. Verrier, glass blower < L. vitrum, glass.]

Urbain Jean Joseph Le Verrier (1811-1877); French astronomer; renowned scientist who accurately predicted the existence and position of the planet Neptune; [fig.] a seer; one highly skilled in observation.

lexicon (-s), n. [Gr. λεξικόν, word, diction, phrase.]

  1. Interpreter's guide; vocabulary of a specific group; language of a particular domain.
  2. Dictionary; word book; alphabetical arrangement of words with definitions of each.
  3. Explanation; translation; key to the significance of something; tool for determining the meaning of words in a foreign language, such as biblical Hebrew.

Lexington, proper n. [OE Lexea, personal name, estate.]

Town in Massachusetts; New England village named after a town in England; site of the first battle of the Revolutionary War; place where Paul Revere rode to warn political leaders Samuel Adams and John Hancock to escape from the British forces; [fig.] crisis; turning point.